
  1. tobylazlo

    DIY carbon filter alternative

    heyhey just want to share some tips on getting rid of smell without a carbon filter. recently i gave up on my carbon filter,including a powerfull extraction fan from my growtent,which was making a lot of noise.the reason was not to draw any atention from my parents and guests that come over...
  2. div__grows

    Indoor Need help filtering out the smells (room with bathroom vent)

    hello everyone. new to the forum. i am looking for some help getting the smell in my grow space filtered and pushed outside. right now the grow room has a NuTone QT-80-B bathroom style fan than pushes the air outside. when you go outside where it vents out you can smell the flowers. I am...
  3. nicecoolbud

    New Grower Scrubber and Fan for 3' x 3' x 2' Growbox Recommendations

    Hey all, I've searched high and low but can't find what I'm looking for. Chances are, it's hiding in plain sight. If so, my most abject apologies. :biggrin: And hopefully, this is the right place to ask this... I'm building a 3' x 2' x 3' growbox. I want to include a filter and fan but I...
  4. Chester

    Indoor Seeking Ventilation Advice ...

    In the near future I will be converting a 6' x 2' x 8' closet into a dedicated grow space ... closet will need to be extremely quiet but with enough moving air to keep about 800 watts of LEDs cool ... I have no experience w/ filters and exhaust fans etc ... I want this closet to be done right w/...
  5. Torquemada

    New Grower Looking for a Homebox XS fan/filter combo in Europe

    I've grown weed in space buckets without carbon filters and now that I'm upgrading to a Homebox XS (60x60x120 cm), I need a fan/scrubber combo. I've done a lot of research, but I still have some problems applying it to my situation. Here's what confuses me. I found something that seems...