
  1. SiamBuds

    Nutrients Got some cheap powder nutes I want to use in coco, 30-20-10, 0-52-34 Will that do the trick?

    Got some cheap powder nutes I want to use in coco, 30-20-10, 0-52-34 Will that do the trick? I got them from local forum, someone said use them and it grows fine. Tho wonder how to cut it down? by 4? On box veg says 50-100g/20L flowering one 25-50/20L I got 10L bucket and 6 5gal pots So...
  2. pop22

    Time for Truth: Do manufactured Nutrients Kill Soil Life

    We've all heard this a million times, "chemical" nutrients ( a false label ) will kill the life in soil. So that begs the question: Why are Mycos, and other fungi and bacteria, ADDED to hydro grows! It can't grow in them nasty nutrients ( sarcasm ), so why put them in there if they are just...
  3. Debbie Chronicle

    Harvest & Curing Cured too late

    Hi guys! So I'll cut to the chase: I think I cured too late. I dried for 5 days and by the time I got it in the jar they were at 54% humidity, I left the lid on for a few days and the humidity steadily rose to 57% but...yeah. What's should I do? Is the ferts and nutes and shit still there? Is...