eth extract

  1. budelee

    Extraction SCH bho Extract

    Well i got in a mood and ran a few different methods just because..i started with some live extract with eth,mover to some regular eth,did some qwiso,some long soaked eth and lastly a bho pullheres the starting materialimportant note in this pic::the initial purge was done in warm/hot water till...
  2. budelee

    Extraction Where's all the eth extractors?

    Wheres all the Everclear extractors ?? Just wanted to say hi to everbody and share some pics of my latest "pull".For this run I used Green Crack and Chem Dog,1.5 oz total,and was really happy with the return.Over this past year i have tried different methods of bho,quiso,and quet,(i only do nug...