
  1. K

    Dwarf plants

    Hi, this is my first time growing any kind of weed, I built my own grow room from plywood. It is very primitive looking, I know, and is way too big because I didn't know exactly how tall they would grow. I used bagged soil mixed with homemade compost from worm castings and perlite. My soil was...
  2. E


    Hello everyone, this is my first post on this website and i would really aprecciate your help. This Royal Dwarf auto from RQS is just starting its 5th week, im confident it is stunted, probably because of the 32 celcius on her first week of life. Now the minisplit is programmed to keep the temps...
  3. Ganjibas

    Live Stoner Chat Help Please, buds are too small..

    Hi Guys, She is week 9,1/2 now, frosty and has awesome smell. Trichomes are 50/50 clear vs milky and just a few umber. Unfortunately buds are not growing :( please point me right direction , should i wait more time or ? grown in coco without any issues,been toped on week 2 and had short time...
  4. D


    Hello AFN family, First, I am an amateur grower and have tried several different techniques to growing. I have spent a ridiculous amount of money switching my grow set ups and am not satisfied with my yields. I am obviously doing something wrong but I am unable to figure out what it is. I have...
  5. FirstTimeG-row

    Live Stoner Chat 12 week old royal dwarf slow flower need advice!!!

    hi guys i need an experienced growers knowledge as this is my first grow and arnt sure what to do from here on out. my plant is aproximatly 80-90 cm (havnt messured in a while) it is starting to flower as i can see are growing slowly . using a 10ltr pot but could be root bound arnt sure as roots...