
  1. R

    DIY DIY Drying box

    Hey everyone! Just dropping by to share a dry box I came up with. I was expecting to use the growbox for drying, but as I decided to chop one of my ladies, and I still have another one that is still finishing up, had to improvise a bit. Basically used a spare mattress box, made some cuttings...
  2. Newtoautogrow

    Harvest & Curing Drying room help!

    So I have my harvest in a Drying rack wet trimmed on there branches... I'm at about 22° and 60-70% rh.. I have a dehumidifier but then it will get to 25° and 50-55 rh.. What are my best options???.. Please help
  3. Newtoautogrow

    Weed smells bud dosent??

    So my weed was drying on a rack for 5 days then I put it into paper bags in my wardrobe.... When I walk into my room I can smell it whne I open the wardrobe the weed smells dank... But when I open the paper bag.. I can't smell anything.... Like the bud dosent smell at all... Can anybody help?
  4. jloor

    possible mold while drying

    hi AFN community!! Im a concern cause i found a tiny white dot in the flowers while drying, its been 2 days drying at 50% rh and 21 celcius. So i bought a microscope and take some pictures, i cant identify what it is, maybe mole? or its normal? . Here are the photos
  5. Newtoautogrow

    Harvest & Curing First time drying/cure

    Sup everyone.. So I may have run into abit if a problem... I harvested my plant wet trimmed and placed into my wedryer and 4 days later the buds are dry I've put the dry herb into jars about 3/4 full.. Only problem is my buds do not smell desirable at all... Kinda smells like hay/hint of...
  6. elcoloan

    Harvest & Curing Advice About Drying For Vaporizer Use, Please

    What drying and curing steps should i take for a harvest meant to be consumed in a vaporizer only? All the same as with weed for smoking? I don't care for white, thick, milky clouds as most... just flavor and effects.
  7. icmoon

    Photoperiod Have I screwed up this grow with mold?

    Hi there all. I don't know if there is anything I can do but I have made a monumental srew-up after just harvesting my buds (just one plant). I had just cut down and trimmed my first ever autoflowerer and was just finishing trimming when I had to drop everything and attend another family...
  8. icmoon

    Photoperiod Drying your harvest underwater, Does it work as well as I've read?

    Hi all. I've just read about 'drying' your harvest underwaterfor 7 days minimum to flush out the crap and then quick dry after the 7 days. Has anyone tried this and does it work? It would suit me down to the ground because I don't really have anywhere to hang my plants but I do have a load of...
  9. Debbie Chronicle

    New Grower Checking with lights on?

    Hi everyone! So I chopped mine down for the first time yesterday but I'm just now realizing something: how am I gonna check if they're dry enough without light? I kinda made a dry bin like the one in this grow journal (...
  10. VitaMan

    Harvest & Curing How's it hangin' ?

    We've all used string to hang our bud. We've also all been creatively inspired when we have the munchies. String in a tiny 2x2 tent has the added pleasure of having to rehang things that fall when I reach in. A small but recurring irritant. A lust for Nachos led to my solution, which I will...