dry amendments

  1. Aussie Autos

    Rate my Amedment mixture!

    Ingredients Qty (Grams) Percentage Fish & Bone Meal 1000 45 Guano Certified Organic 500 23 Potash 250 11 Black Basalt Rock Dust 250 11 Azomite Rock Dust 100 5 Leonardite (Humnic Acid) 100 5 Total 2200 100 This is entirely based of Dazs Super Soil Mixture, which I believe is...
  2. hashead

    Indoor Dinafem Auto Gorilla ALL ORGANIC

    First off I wanna give a shoutout to @Dinafem-Mark for hooking me up with some beans to test! After running dinafems auto amnesia xxl, im hyped to see how this girl gets on! Link to that journal below https://www.autoflower.org/threads/dinafem-amnesia-xxl-all-organic.70983/ So setup is pretty...