droopy leaves

  1. A

    Droopy plant not from over/underwatering

    Hi, I've been watering my plant every 2 days with about half a liter of water. After watering she always got droopy but recovered after a day or so. I've noticed that lately she takes longer to recover. Right now I've watered 2 days ago and she's still very droopy while the top couple of inches...
  2. UDDATE: On Sick !!!GIRLS!!!

    UDDATE: On Sick !!!GIRLS!!!

    This was a grower error: I didn't check to see if the water line was actually feeding water through it just assumed, but was I wrong this is what happens to plant that thought got watered but didn't MY FAULT!!! Hope that I can get her to recover from my mistake 2-3 weeks flower. did a lite mist...
  3. OG-GeMann


    This was a grower error: I didn't check to see if the water line was actually feeding water through it just assumed, but was I wrong this is what happens to plant that thought got watered but didn't MY FAULT!!! Hope that I can get her to recover from my mistake 2-3 weeks flower. did a lite mist...
  4. 420EVANSTON

    What is happening?!

    What is causing this on my Zkettles Berry Blast. Ph or nutrient deficiency? Last week I awoke and found one of my babies not doing too well. Brown spots developed overnight. Then again days later on a new set of leaves. – tap water pH at 6 – water when dry a couple inches – Spider Farm SF-2000...
  5. Tyler_Durden88


    Hey guys im having some issues with my Plants they are Drooping and the leafs feel a little rough they are 1 week into flower and dont want to misdiagnose and make things worse. I took these pics 2 days before the droopiong got worse thought it was a watering problem but im on a scedual and i...
  6. sicario

    Constant droopy leaves

    Hello this is my first grow as well as first post Equipment: I'm currently using a 600w led The light is about 6 inches from the tops I have a 4inch fan for intake, 6inch exhaust fan, one small clip on fan for circulation I have the lights on a timer set to 18/6 Medium: I'm using a soil called...