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  1. Olderfart

    Indoor Olderfart back at it again.
    Threadmarks: And let the mischief begin. :)

    Well gro peeps, the annual winter grow is now underway, and I have decided to document it here. @Dale's Proper Bud, @Kyote, @BCBudlady and @Gone Camping might be interested in proceedings. :biggrin: First, a note on how I will organize this. Each of my grow updates or descriptions of stuff...
  2. Olderfart's Living Soil trials and tribulations

    Olderfart's Living Soil trials and tribulations

    This will serve as my technical grow record for my winter grow in living soil, and is in addition to the standard thread on this grow. Unless noted otherwise, more detail will appear in the standard thread than appears here. The soil recipe, with thanks to @pop22 for inspiration and the...