dinafem white widow xxl

  1. Waxer

    New Grower Waxy's Quantum Ikea Cab- White Widow XXL

    How's it hangin, friends?!:bighug: Seeing as this will be my first indoor grow (and first logged grow on AFN,) I figured I would go ahead and park myself next to everyone else in line to learn! We're already a few days in so lets get it started shall we? So I'll start by mentioning a but about...
  2. mtthct

    Here again looking for your expertise

    Leaves at the bottom are kind of peeling at the tips and looking sick, I think a couple at the top aren't in great condition. Using FFOF mixed with Perlite in 5 gal smartpots Third feed, fed them go box bloom nutes at half strength of a feeding schedule I found here I think it might have been...
  3. mtthct

    Indoor first real grow - dinafem blue cheese & white widow xxl

    Hi! This year I decided that after smoking for so long it was time to grow my own, ever since I found out about autos a few years ago I got really interested and finally bought some seeds and a tent to grow them. I'm growing a Blue Cheese & a White Widow XXL in 5g fabric pots using FFOF &...
  4. swerve

    Indoor White widow xxl auto & zombie kushx4

    Day 29 on the 3 ww xxl autos and Day 21 on the zombie kush plants. All under 1k mh in a 5x5 tent. Using house and garden on the autos and blue planet nutrients on the kush plants.