
  1. Plenty420

    AF and wattage

    Hey folks I'm a first time AF grower, although I've got quite a lot of experience with regular plants. Does anyone have recommendations and/or a progressive wattage timetable or schedule for AF's? I'm running an HLG 550 R-spec V2 with the 30 Watt UVA bar. Now in week three I dimmed it up to...
  2. L0wbob2017

    Lighting DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research COB-LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    Hello all thread-viewers, my idea was to build a DIY-LED with COB's and make it kinda special. So i decided to watercool the COB's which some of u alrdy guessed, get pretty warm. Since the COB's are more efficient when cooled better, watercooling was my only option to go. These COB's are all...