
  1. R

    More mephisto (samsquanch) issues

    Hi all, I've posted issues with this grow before but I'm here with an update. Almost all my plants are overall very large (80+ buds) and healthy with the exception of tiny yellow tips of leaves. But this mephisto samsquanch og is throwing issues again. See pics Running co2 1000-1400 ppm...
  2. R

    Leaf damage getting worse : HD picture update please help!

    Hi everyone, I've posted before about this but the issue is progressing and I've brought proper pictures this time! Growing all auto's, the worst problems are on mephistos samsquanch and skwalker. Stats: Coco loco/ocean forest/pearlite 1:1:1 soil 20 gal pots+ vam endo and azomite Feed every 3...
  3. SensiKeeper

    Multiple issues at once is making diagnose difficult. In need of veteran experience.

    This is my first grow, and I have run into a bit of dilemma as I believe my plants are having multiple issues at once, making it hard for me to judge what it is. I'm not going to post my suspicions yet so not to influence anyone's diagnose. A brief history: I suspected a calcium/magnesium...
  4. BigBudz2020

    Week 9, copper deficiency? Worth worryimg about at this stage?

    hey guys just asking for some opinions and advice. Does the attached pic look like a copper deficiency? It's on the top growth on the leaves coming off the colas. She's 9 weeks old today I think she's got about another 3 weeks to go. Is it even worth trying to solveat this stage as I'll most...
  5. J

    Yellowing leaves

    My first grow of autoflowers and i had some issues along the way with heat and humidity as well as air circulation. Growing 16 plants. x10 gelato fb x4 pineapple express and x2 magnum autos. Growing in gold label special mix soil and watered the plants just plain water for 3 weeks and added a...