dark owl

  1. JobuGrows

    Jobu's Summer '24 Grow

    First grow in a long while and first one I'm able to document here on AFN. The Strains! Hubbabubbasmelloscope from Mephisto Milk and Qookies from Night Owl (from the 2020 Halloween drop) Froot Fuel BX1 from Speedrun Seeds (been seeing and hearing good things about them so wanted to check out...
  2. O

    New Grower Dankerson's Grow & Show

    Hello Everyone! I've spent the better part of the last year learning from all the knowledgeable people here and growing autos. I've made a lot of mistakes but I feel I've learned a lot and I am finally starting to get into my rhythm. I'm currently starting my 3rd(ish) run and wanted to do my...