damaged leaves

  1. BlakStarr

    Something Keeps Eating my Seedling's Leaves

    Indoor grow. I go to sleep and when I wake up the plants leaves are chewed/ripped off just like this. Has happened 3 times in the past week. Getting a camera to watch my seedlings. Anyone had this issue before? I read somewhere slugs but after doing a sweep of my very small 2.5x2.5 tent I found...
  2. E

    Newbie needs help - Damaged Leaves

    I'm brand new and this is my first grow. Autoflower - Train Wreck. I germinated seed on 09-01-20. Radicle emerged on 09-03-20 and planted that same day using Foxfarm Happy Frog Potting Soil in a 2 gallon bag). It sprouted the very next day on 09-04-20 and the seed coat was stuck on one of the...