critical purple auto

  1. Tangerine Dream - Daily Entries

    Tangerine Dream - Daily Entries

    Date Journal Entry Water RH Light PH EC PPM Troubleshooting Temps: Week 1 21-Jun Tangerine Dream emerges. 6 60 Finally. Tried 3 times, now. 22-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun I'm sharing...
  2. T

    Novice grower. First with LED.

    Hey guys, Toke here and it’s my first post. Been following AFN for a few months now and decided to start a journal. Started growing about 3 years ago with CFL and had to take a break due to moving around, but back at it for a run or two before I move again lol. My dude gifted me some Growers...