
  1. Update June 24th

    Update June 24th

  2. Update may 31st

    Update may 31st

    I am just going to add an updated picture here for today. Someone already advised me that I need more dirt, I bought some but it's been raining and they store it outside. So I am waiting for it to try.
  3. May 24th/2020 progress

    May 24th/2020 progress

    This is her today. Lots of growth and pre flowers
  4. Chemdoggin growth

    Chemdoggin growth

  5. Week 2.1

    Week 2.1

    Started to see some real changes.
  6. Week 2 Chemdoggin

    Week 2 Chemdoggin

    Today is the start of week 2. This girl inspired me to take measurements as she's my faster grower. Measurements: Height: 2.75" Width: 2.25" Length: 2.00"
  7. Night updates

    Night updates

    I've backfilled the soil to just below the leaves two days in a row. They grow fast.
  8. April 28th 20:52

    April 28th 20:52

    Here she is now.
  9. Just an end of night update.

    Just an end of night update.

    They grow fast. This is my Northern cheese Haze seed. She wasn't even out if the dirt yesterday, And this is 20:07 this evening. This is my chemdoggin. She was first to wake up, growing fast. I suppose the measuring tape is unnecessary, I've been adding dirt to build it up so it won't be...
  10. First Auto grow "Chemdoggin"

    First Auto grow "Chemdoggin"

    Start Date: April/21st/2020 I soaked the seed in a small container of "Smart Water" at 16:02. I chose this brand as it is void of all nutrients or contamination. I placed the covered container in my closet and left it for 18 hours. April/22nd/2020 Seed did not require more time to sink to...
  11. Chemdogging


    main cola before trim (july 2019)
  12. Chemdogging


    full body shot (july 2019)