cbd auto whitewidow

  1. VitaMan

    Extraction CBD Rich Strains

    Has anyone here grown or interested in growing any high CBD strains? I have found member reviews and reports really useful when I am strain shopping, and I want to explore Med-High CBD strains. For simplicity and to aid our conversation, I would like to suggest that ratios are expressed...
  2. L0wbob2017

    Outdoor L0wbobs little auto Outdoor Garden 2017

    So 2 weeks ago i got my 6 plants from @TheMongol to do my own journal. The 6 Plants: 3x AutoMazar 1x CBD Auto WhiteWidow 1x +Speed 1x the mark got lost :( [ could be an AutoUltimate ] Since then i am a bit behind and TheMongol is always asking about my thread so i just started it now haha. At...