
  1. F.N.

    Seed Stockers GG4 photoperiod grow

    Hello my fellow weed enthusiast's I have the soft secrets Hybrid of Europe award. I have six going.They are looking really nice so far IAM trying to get there stretch on.
  2. F.N.

    Seed Stockers Sticky Fingers strain

    I have Two really nice looking STICKY FINGERS both seem to be the same phenotype. They are growing under Quantum boards I think they are around 135 to 150 watts a piece.
  3. F.N.


    I have received my 3 pound bag of this what looks like a outstanding product. Here is the amount needed per pot.For container plants: Create your soil mix by combining 1/8 Harvest Gold Silica with 7/8 soil mix and mix thoroughly. I think it will work just as good in soil less mix like pro mix...
  4. F.N.


    I just received my Megacrop In the mail I was glad to see it and from some of the grows on here using it. IAM blown away to try it.
  5. F.N.

    Seed Stockers BCN XXL grow

    Here is two seedlings ready to get HUGE. I will be feeding green planet nutrients and nothing else.
  6. F.N.

    Indoor A Grow Journal of Monumental proportions

    Time to fire up another grow Journal. I will be showcasing Dutch Passion Auto Colorado Cookies Think Different Auto Night Queen and Auto Ultimate. I will also be growing auto BOMB seeds Big bomb auto,THC auto and Auto Bomb. 26 Plants all together. I will be using Green Planet nutrients AB grow...