
  1. G

    Live Stoners Meizhi 600w

    Hi, Just signed up, bought the meizhi 600w with the grow and flower switches, Im going to try some autos under it, would you recommend both switch’s on all through the sycle, any information on best technic with these lights using autos would be champion,
  2. CaNNaDON420

    Indoor MY STYLE

    Welcome to all my AFN brotherin & sisters. This journal is more about me coming into my own style as a grower than anything else, so here we go.
  3. Jackson

    Indoor Sour Bubbly, Chemdog and Toof Decay- Day 42

    Howdy all- My ladies are at Day 42 from sprout and heading down the home stretch! As they are in roots organic mixed with GBD super soil in bottom half of pots, just been giving slight cal/mag and slight bloom nutes. The chemdog was given slight nitrogen as recommended by @Waira Enjoy the...
  4. Jackson

    Indoor New Grows- Day 40

    Howdy All- Got a few years of growing autos and wanted to share some photos. Soil - Roots Organic mixed with GBD super soil. Water - distilled Lights - solar flare 220 and Platinum P300 Grow tent - gorilla tent Here are the ladies in this order: Chemdog, sour bubbly which did not like...
  5. Jackson

    Live Stoners Post Surgery Pain Meds

    Hello Folks! I would like to know what auto strains are good for pain after surgery? I am having hip replacement surgery next Wednesday and want to know what all of you suggest. Maybe start a new topic? Jackson
  6. Jackson

    Live Stoners Deep Blue C F2-day 56

    Today my girl is 56 days from sprout. No more nutes being given. Thinking about chopping her in 10 days. Let me know your thoughts on pics on harvest time. Happy 420!!!! Jackson
  7. Jackson

    Live Stoners Deep Blue C F2

    Hey Folks Today she is 51 days from sprout and filling in quickly. No nutes just plain water. Check out the pics and please let me know your thoughts of when to harvest. I'm thinking another week. Jackson
  8. Jackson

    Live Stoners Sour Crack - Day 52

    Good Morning All Getting close to harvest time as she now is packing on weight. All nutes have stopped and just plain tap water the rest of the way. Small plant but she has plenty of bud! Enjoy the pics! Jackson
  9. Jackson

    Live Stoners Sour Crack - Day 42

    Big Howdy from Texas folks/ Today I began to back down on bloom nutes from 1 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon as next feed which is next Saturday will be water only. Starting to see some brown hairs. Last harvest of this strain was at 58 days so I will let this go to 63 days. Some spotting on lower...
  10. Jackson

    Live Stoners Sour Crack- Day 19

    Hello All- After success from my last grow, there was no waiting to start another! This time she is in plain Roots Organic soil with no GBD soil from Mephisto. I watered and fed her 1/8 teaspoon of GO Grow nutes and an 1/8 teaspoon of GO cal/mag. Hoping I can get same results as last...