
  1. Tankat

    New Grower boost

    when time to use boost on auto flowers as flowers have just started forming?
  2. Dr. Babnik

    New Grower Advanced Nutrients - Bud Ignitor vs. Bud Blood

    I was browsing the net for info on wheather or not Bud Ignitor actually works. Somewhere it was written that experience showed that the concentration of Bud Ignitor have to be increased in order to get the same effect as with Bud Blood. I have Bud Ignitor. Maybe combine it with P/K sol'n? Any...
  3. Dr. Babnik

    Indoor When to switch to bloom nutes, what suppelemys to choose and when to change CFL lamp...?

    The fist pistils appeard on Super Skunk #1 a few days ago. Super Skunk #1, pic 2, day 37 by Dr. Babnik posted Apr 16, 2016 at 10:12 PM Can you guys teach me and show me some pics of how the flowers should look like when it is time to change from veg to flower nutes? At what stage should I go...
  4. Dr. Babnik

    Indoor Best bloom and bud booster?

    I use base nutes from Hesi and grow in soil. What is the best booster for bloom and budding out there?