blueberry gum

  1. Weescar

    Indoor Seedstockers 5 strains 12 beans

    Hi everyone, probably missed the introduction part of this forum and just jumped right in. We already have a room full of Autos on day 35, starting these now in a smaller nursery cupboard Day 1 We have drilled 12mm holes in a bit of wood, filled each seed vial with a little water and placed...
  2. Prof Green

    Photoperiod Prof Green's Mixed Marijuana .... (Photo and Auto)

    Hello All, Ive been growing weed for 5 to 6 years, im now re-starting after a 2-year break, some things ive remembered, others not so much :haha: This isn't a start to finish one run diary, it's going to be a rolling diary from now until .... well lets just say Ive no plans to retire any time...