
  1. McDee

    Extraction Can I blast into this?

    I just started learning about bho, and wanted to know if it's safe to blast into this. Its 8"×8" silicone seen a dude blast straight into it, but his fly was down so dont know if I can trust his guidance lol. Just starting to get equipment list and for $9.99 perfect for a dedicated non stick...
  2. Mañ'O'Green

    Extraction Computer Controlled Hot Plate for Decarb Rosin, QWET etc.

    A lot of people want to decarb rosin, QWET, BHO etc. But don't have easy means to do it. Here is an inexpensive hot plate used in another industry that should work well for us for $41.20. It is not rated as explosion proof so don't use it around flammable vapors. I did not need this but wanted...
  3. St. Tom

    Extraction Girl scout cookie bho

    Just a few pics of my latest run of all bottom popcorn off my last 2 gsc girls its my 2nd time making killer bho off this strain I don't think there's a better strain its now been in my vac chamber 48 hrs also it was the most yellow I've ever seen it looked like horrible pee colour in the butane
  4. Son of Hobbes

    Bee-Nails Go-Bee Concentrate Vaporizer & Recycler Communal Test Thread

    Hey everyone, the company Bee-nails has offered us up four of their Go-bee portable concentrate vaporizer pen and their new glass recycler unit! @db003 , @Prophetiko , @jingo , and @Ash-a-Ton have been chosen to test out these units, so we'll get some fresh perspectives on how various members...
  5. theRealDespotic

    Extraction BHO, ISO and Edibles Questions

    Hey folks, I've got a few specific questions that I'm hoping I can get some answers for from the community. I have some beautiful Northern Lights nugs that I thought I was curing properly. One day I cracked it and took a sniff and the aroma had changed to one of deliciously sweet berry and I...
  6. budelee

    Extraction SCH bho Extract

    Well i got in a mood and ran a few different methods just because..i started with some live extract with eth,mover to some regular eth,did some qwiso,some long soaked eth and lastly a bho pullheres the starting materialimportant note in this pic::the initial purge was done in warm/hot water till...
  7. Dr. Babnik

    Extraction Ethanol Purification of BHO and Dr. Babnik Learning How to Dab

    After making my first successfull batch of BHO, I cleaned out the BHO tray with EtOH after scraping and recovered the oil. After recovery, I was left with a material hard as stone. I was very disappointed, whated to throw it out, but kept it. Today I showed it to @budelee and @tripaholic88 who...