autoflower grow

  1. Autoseeds' Candy Kush (festivus 2019/20 prize)

    Autoseeds' Candy Kush (festivus 2019/20 prize)

    So I started this a little late. I had a lot going on, and to be honest, she was a little disappointing at first. I kept her going, though, and I kept her in style, because I wanted to give her the best that I could, since I said I would. I started off with two of them, as you can see in the...
  2. Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Completed Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    This is a strain i have held onto for a long time. I wasn't sure the seed woould pop, but i managed to get it out of its shell with a little soaking and some surgery. She's going a lot better now, so lets put her in the blog and see how she does, shall we? here's a few closeups of the one I grew...
  3. Lilly_of_the_Zoo grows Mephisto Sour Hound LE

    Completed Lilly_of_the_Zoo grows Mephisto Sour Hound LE

    I just had my Sour Hound pop her head above ground yesterday evening, and sonow she gets to join the ranks of all the lovely ladies in my blog. Right now she's still under my baby light, with a heat mat under her. I'll keep her there for another day, then she's going in the auto closet, with all...
  4. Lilly_of_the_Zoo does Creme De La Chem from Mephisto Genetics

    Completed Lilly_of_the_Zoo does Creme De La Chem from Mephisto Genetics

    UPDATE: she's a beauty! Almost done, so I'm posting once more before harvest day She ended up being smaller than the last one i grew, but it was all my fault. I kept her in too small of a pot for how hard i feed them. It's so easy to stunt an auto, even just for a day or two it hurts your size...
  5. *COMPLETE*   Lilly_of_the_Zoo does Chemdogging by Mephisto Genetics

    Completed *COMPLETE* Lilly_of_the_Zoo does Chemdogging by Mephisto Genetics

    I try to always keep some of the Chem family in my grow tents, and Chemdogg is one of my favorites. I just harvested one today, and I have one that is just about 3 weeks old. I am starting this journal entry to keep track of my currently growing Chemdogg. As soon as the lights come on, I will...
  6. A Little Family Photo Time

    A Little Family Photo Time

    I just wanted to update the blog with some photos of the mother, and of the only female Tyrone Purps I got out of 9 seeds. I call her Auntie. The mother was the forgotten cookies. So really these babies are 3/4 mephisto genetics, 1/4 deep sea creature. I can't wait to see what they'll do. Oh...
  7. cookies mama side cola

    cookies mama side cola

    SO pretty. no colors on the side, though. it almost looks like a different plant, huh?
  8. cookies mama full shot

    cookies mama full shot

    She was as tall as me.. about 5 ft. VERY open, and thin fingered leaves.
  9. Man Bear Alien Pig full plant shot

    Man Bear Alien Pig full plant shot

    The branches bent down facing the ground unless I h ad her supported with pipe cleaners and bamboo. She was almost as tall as me, and even though I'm short, im still 5 ft tall.
  10. Man Bear Alien Pig wide canopy shot

    Man Bear Alien Pig wide canopy shot

    this is pre-fan removal, as wide as I coudl get it and still get some definition to the buds Mephisto is hands down my favorite breeder.
  11. Mephisto Beary White x Man Bear Full Plant 2

    Mephisto Beary White x Man Bear Full Plant 2

    I almost forgot the full plant shots! She was under 4 feet, but had enough buds for a plant twice her height.
  12. Bear White Man Bear Full Plant 1

    Bear White Man Bear Full Plant 1

    So beautiful. See how thick she was, why I couldn't tell at first how much was there? I was one happy girl
  13. BWMB_11_19-5879.jpg


    one of the prettiest plants i have ever grown. These are some of the other photos from the thread I posted in the breeder's section. I thought, since it was a newer release, that people would want to see as many photos of her as I could post.
  14. Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear main stem dry

    Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear main stem dry

    one of the prettiest plants i have ever grown. this is the full part of the main cola dry. These are some of the other photos from the thread I posted in the breeder's section. I thought, since it was a newer release, that people would want to see as many photos of her as I could post.
  15. Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear main stem

    Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear main stem

    This took me an hour to photo right. BEAUTIFUL! These are some of the other photos from the thread I posted in the breeder's section. I thought, since it was a newer release, that people would want to see as many photos of her as I could post.
  16. Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear closeup

    Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear closeup

    a closeup of one of the side colas, still sparkly though its not pink. These are some of the other photos from the thread I posted in the breeder's section. I thought, since it was a newer release, that people would want to see as many photos of her as I could post.
  17. Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear Side Cola

    Mephisto Beary White X Man Bear Side Cola

    even though just the mains went pink, its still amazing. These are some of the other photos from the thread I posted in the breeder's section. I thought, since it was a newer release, that people would want to see as many photos of her as I could post.
  18. Chemdogging


    top shot (July 2019)
  19. Chemdogging


    main cola before trim (july 2019)
  20. Chemdogging


    full body shot (july 2019)