autoflower breeding

  1. D

    First Mini Project

    So I think I'm going to start with Sour Stomper. What I"ll be doing is growing out my Sour Stomper Seeds then using STS to create pollen on all plants but the strongerst female. These will all be in a filtered tent in an third story location. If I understand correctly These seeds should have...
  2. Seed production.

    Seed production.

    All plants have been pared up and selected cross strains are final. Next step viable pollen . Here are all plants. Males are in orange pots.
  3. Round 2 Breeding: purple male bred w Chemdogging, 3Bears OG, and Barry White

    Round 2 Breeding: purple male bred w Chemdogging, 3Bears OG, and Barry White

  4. A Little Family Photo Time

    A Little Family Photo Time

    I just wanted to update the blog with some photos of the mother, and of the only female Tyrone Purps I got out of 9 seeds. I call her Auntie. The mother was the forgotten cookies. So really these babies are 3/4 mephisto genetics, 1/4 deep sea creature. I can't wait to see what they'll do. Oh...
  5. Round 1 Breeding Grow

    Completed Round 1 Breeding Grow

    (best male on left, best female so far center rear) I started a little breeding project, with some of Mephisto's genetics, and some of a random breeder called Green Works Collective. Green Works took a menage-a-Tyrone (Mephisto), reversed it, and crossed it with a Deep Sea Creature. So these...
  6. Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Indoor Breeding Project - Round one- Forgotten Cookies x Tyrone Purps

    So we crossed a BEAUTIFUL female Choc Deisel, and crossed her with this pack of Tyrone Regs we got. (7 out of 9 Tyrones were male, which is what started us thinking.......but the breeder SAID he put it out there for breeding stock, so we shoulda guessed) We did a sprout test on our seeds, so we...
  7. E

    Sati-dom Auto Reg Seeds - where to find them?

    Happy 420 day, AFN familia!! Sati-dom Auto Reg Seeds - where to find them? Seems like most companies that do autos have only fems. For a person like me thinking of breeding, we need males. The CS and STS options seem ... possible, but ... some work. Those smaller breeders that do have regs...