auto daiquiri lime

  1. mintberrycrunch

    Indoor One Tent to Rule Them All ~Shablagoo!~

    What uppppp AFN So I've got about a dozen grows under my belt now. Started in CFL's- moved to mars hydro LED's, considered HPS, but am now going with @BigSm0 's killer AutoCob's. Currently purchasing all my hardware for a tent that's finally done the right way. Previously I ran 2x 150w mars...
  2. Bulletin

    Indoor A very special DP Auto Daiquiri Lime under Black Dog Phytomax-2

    Well, this one is special to me :pass:
  3. K

    Dutch Passion Ken357's 2017 Dutch outdoor endeavors with Dutch Passion autofems

    Hey all! Allow me to reintroduce myself. I've been a mainly outdoor photoperiod grower in Holland for more than 25 years now but I had to lay low for a few years until certain aspects of my life moved out. Well, all I can say is let the games begin. I'm hoping to get back in touch with some of...