auto blues

  1. derek420colorado

    Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition V 2.0

    Well folks after a couple of month hiatus I am back at it and rockin out all the mephisto gear I can! First off for those wondering where I went. I had two huge set backs killing 100 plants total. It was devastating to say the least. On top of having to take care of legal troubles, and finding...
  2. Santorini

    Mephisto Genetics Auto Blues Smoke Report

    Seed: Mephisto Genetics Strain: Auto Blues Did it autoflower?: Yes Day 16 Soil/hydro: Soil Description: Yikes! Do NOT do what I did! Which is listen to a friend who said “Miracle Grow 3 month works GRRRREEAATTT!” Have to see the journal for more about this issue :) Nutes: Did not use any...
  3. Santorini

    [HELP] Narrowed Down To Nitrogen Toxicity

    Hi Guys, I think I've narrowed my problem down to Nitrogen Toxicity for my plant. yet I still need help / advice @Ripper Mephisto Auto Blues Day 42 Pot Size: 3 Gallon Smart Pot Soil: Long story short...The main Rootball is in Miracle Grow 3 month (I would say that 1 gal - 1.5 gal is in...