
  1. S

    No amber on NL

    This is a Northern lights Auto from seedfair. On day 112 from sprouting, still no amber. I may have stopped feeding too early because I thought I was close but that was over 3 weeks ago and I have flushed. Should I wait longer? Thanks in advance.
  2. Batigol

    Mephisto Genetics Mephisto strains and amber trichomes

    Hello all, As i'm in 13 week of my first grow (iluminauto 27,23), i have almost all milky trichomes and the leaves are apparently dead also the fan leaves started yellowing. My question is why is there no amber or so little amber, is this overall problem with autoflowering strains. Also i have...
  3. Y

    Harvest & Curing 2 Northern Lights and their differences...Are they ready?

    Greetings! This is my first grow since 30 years ago! Gave it a go with 3 AF's to start. 2 Northern Lights and 1 White Widow all from 00 Seeds. Growing in a locally obtained pro-mix soil with no nutes pre-added to the soil, just some rooting enzymes. I have used Dyna-Gro nutes - Foliage Pro and...
  4. Dr. Babnik

    New Grower How to Plan for The End Times and The Definitive End?

    How do you evaluate the beginning of the end? Almost everywere I look, its written look at the leaves. I took some pics through my microscope today. I never evaluated trichomes before, but to me they all look milky. Is that true? When to decide for harvest in 14 days and go over to rinsing...