
  1. Dabber

    Live Stoners What to grow next little help please

    Well my 1st grow is in the books 2nd grow is under way 11 days in and have my tent open ready to start grow 3. Here's what I have in stock and wanting a little help deciding. Mephisto Alien vs Triangle and Sour Hound MSNL Caramelicious, White LSD, AK 47, White Widow max and Lemon Haze Dinafem...
  2. NugNoob

    New Grower NugNoob's - First Grow Adventure! AK-47's

    Hello one and all! Let me first say a BIG thank you to all who have helped me up to this point, It's made things a lot easier starting up on my first adventure. Seriously thank you, you know who you are and you've probably been tagged into this post anyway. Now strap in, cause this is a big...
  3. K

    Outdoor all outdoor grow - AK and GSC

    So I have my first grow going on right now and I'm super excited! Some of the plants are starting to make very pretty flowers. I think my yield will be low, but my inputs have been low as well. I didn't use any lights to start these and they were really slow to get going at first. Also some of...
  4. budelee

    New Grower HST Topping,Scrog,Mainline,Fimming,Circular Training,Supercropping,By Budelee

    Cool, Welcome along for this ride too @ChillFred ,I'm thinking I'm gonna fim one of these plants as well,I have 5 total ,three healthy ones and two smaller ones.I guess it won't really hurt( in the long run).the main thing is the results not the yield( ouch that hurts to say) .That way we will...