2 liter

  1. TempleTrees

    Maximum pot size for < 36in/90cm high grow space

    Hello all! Im preparing for my first grow in my newly legal state. I have a 2x2 tent partially setup, and I have around 36in/90cm of total grow height from floor to as high as I can hang my led light. The light (Migro Array 2, 125W) only needs a recommended minimum distance of 8inches or 20cm...
  2. MissUniverse

    Grow Room Auto White Widow (Seedsman freebie) in 2 litre bottle

    I got some white widow auto seeds as freebies from seedsman when I ordered my autoducks. I am going to try and run this seed in a 2 litre bottle. I am doing this as a test to see how well my own supersoil I created by accident works. I also may try some Wal-Mart organic soil ("Just Organics"...