MarsHydro FC-3000

Led bar style grow light

Reviews summary

Overall rating
3.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Struggling with inside tent heat buildup using this light
  • Full spectrum dimmable light with remote power supply checks all boxes
  • Struggling with heat inside tent in a climate controlled grow room
First, kudos to @Lil Dab 's review. Good reading.
And I want this product to work because I bought two!
I have used three generations of Mars Hydro's lights, all three around the 320watt to 290watt range. The FC-E-3000 is my latest, and generally, for price / performance and features I have been mostly pleased.
The form factor is excellent. Allowing the power supply to be mounted outside the tent is theoretically favorable (more on this, keep reading). a Full spectrum, dimmable light in this price range should be an industry leader. And, while my overall experience has been very good, I have consistently had a problem with the tent over-heating into the low 80'sF; infrequently to mid 80's.
The same tents, when used with my 10+% more powerful previous generation Mars Pro-II Cree (320 watts actual measured at wall) and an even earlier generation Mars II-700 (also 320W) Mars blurple, both with internal power supplies in the light /tent, do not over-heat.
Both tents are 5 sq. ft. Yes, that's a lot of light for that footprint, but it's a major driving factor in my single-plant grows averaging 11+ oz. per harvest. Personal bests / several over 1# single plat grows. And out of (46) grows I have only encountered light stress about three times (maybe 4, from memory, haven't scanned grow logs). In each case, caught early, raising the light a few inches has resolved. In all cases the light stress seems to be strain specific rather than a universal light strength problem.

My first grow with the E-3000 was done in the winter and I did not notice the problem. The light so impressed me that I ordered a second, along with a Mars 3'X4' two-in one tent. My intent was to not install the partition & to use the tent as a full 3'X4' with two of the FC-E-3000's. I have Brothers' Grimm CX-99 re-work seeds waiting just for this project!!! But as spring rolled around and the over-heating became evident, I decided to not set up that system (yet? Maybe still? Will see....winter's here next week). For now, both the second light & 3X4 tent sit idle, unpackaged.
I run two tent systems, a taller Gorilla Grow 24" X 30"and a Mars Hydro 27"X27"X63" tall, both 5 sq. ft. Each has a dedicated Vortex 340 CFM centrifugal fan and Phresh carbon scrubbers. Temps inside and outside each tent are monitored separately using separate Growers Edge thermometer/ hygrometers, which track min / max and current temps since last reset.
The non-E3000 tents consistently hold at mid to slightly higher 70's F inside, with room temps outside the tent holding several degrees less than inside the tents.
Things I've noticed: the external power supply gets HOT- not enough to burn, but uncomfortable to touch. I'm experimenting with power supply location away from the tent's air intake. Also experimenting with the filter media for the air intakes (fashioned from carbon scrubber dust filter material) in the event the dust filter material is hampering air flow. Results TBD. And the tent fresh air intake locations - don't want to suck exhaust air back into the tent, creating a heat loop.
Dimming - while I suspect this MIGHT HELP resolve my problem, it's really self defeating in that my higher light intensity and custom hydro nutrient solution formulas are key to my high yield success. My patients rely on that.
Not giving up yet, will keep swapping / measuring / trying new things. We'll see.
So question to Lil Dab and any others with experience using the E-3000 - Thoughts? Your experience with inside tent heat buildup? The light bars DO get hot - inside ventilation fans don't seem to help dissipate the heat. Increased ventilation through the tent doesn't seem to help me, and going beyond 340CFM in a 26.5 cu. ft. tent seems borderline insane??? So looking for ideas from others?
The Gorilla tent IS taller; it's slightly over 6' versus 5.25ft for the Mars Hydro tent. so It's over 30 sq.ft.; only about 12% more volume.
BTW, which power supply does yours have? My two lights, ordered a few months apart, have different power supplies.
Mars Hydro's suggestion was to not touch the power supply. I'd piss on it if I thought it would solve the heat problem.... If I have to go to exhausting heat outside the house, I may as well dust off my HID lights and air hood systems. Not ruling that out. I want that CX-99 !

I'll go 5 stars on this nice little product if I can resolve my heat dilemma. But for now, 3 stars is all I can do.
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