Jobu's Summer '24 Grow

Aug 19, 2020
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First grow in a long while and first one I'm able to document here on AFN.

The Strains!

  • Hubbabubbasmelloscope from Mephisto
  • Milk and Qookies from Night Owl (from the 2020 Halloween drop)
  • Froot Fuel BX1 from Speedrun Seeds (been seeing and hearing good things about them so wanted to check out their genetics
  • Skywalker from Mephisto
  • Marathon OG F4 from Dark Owl (Night Owl and Darkhose collab)

    None of my Skywalker seeds germinated (the pack was five years old, shit happens) so Marathon OG took its place and is a few days behind the rest

Basic Grow Info
Tent: Gorilla Grow Tent 4x4 with 2 ft extension
Light: HLG 600R
XXL Autpot system with 9 gallon pots
BuildASoil Light Soil with top dressing and amendments added as needed throughout the grow

Seedling all got an overnight soak in aloe water before being put into coco coins. Froot Fuel and Milk and Qookies popped out with 36 hours and a day later the Hubbabubbasmelloscope showed up. Planted them a day later in the autopots. The soil was saturated with Rootwise microbials and Quillaja (both from BuildASoil). before putting the seedlings in today.

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Pictures will be less potato quality going forward I promise.

Cheers y'all and thanks for following along!

Jobu says "Happy Growing!"
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Dialing in the enviroment today and the girls are looking happy. Using a AC Infinity 69 Pro and this level of tech probably isn't helpful for my ADHD. Have to constantly refrain myself from fiddling with it just because I can, but this is already so much easier than using old inkbirds.

HBSS finally stopped being a diva and took off her helmet, was worried I was going to have to do surgery because the leaves were stuck but life finds a way and we're good.

Marathon OG wasn't wasting any time and popped it's head out of the coco today, HOWEVER it seems like it's getting ahead of itself and a bunch of the tap root was pushing out as well. So I treated it like I germinated it in a paper towel and moved her to her autopot as well. The coco coins I used are garbage, they've already been tossed.

More updates to come as there are more things worth updating.
Girls got their first watering last night, aloe water with quillaja. Everybody's looking happy. Froot Fuel isn't wasting time. M&Q and HBSS are slowly chugging along and MOG was started a few days later so she's playing catch up. VPD and DLI are dialed in and consistent. Gotta love this AC Infinity controller, makes this shit stupid easy.

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We’re about a week in at this point (I never know when to start counting days) and they’re all looking good and healthy. The three got a drink of aloe water and MOG got a moistening on top but not a full bath.

Froot Fuel continues to lead the charge and is going to be a bigguns judging by the Speedrun stuff I’ve seen.

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M&Q and HBSS grinding along, HBSS had some issues with her helmet but the leaves are finding a way around it. I just let nature do its thing.

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Marathon OG looking great considering my earlier worries when it started to germ out of the shit coco coin.

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Still probably two weeks away from turning on the autopots. Until then it’s hand watering and probably on the lighter side. Keeping a close eye to make sure I don't overwater them. So far so good.
Day 12ish maybe? I never know when to start counting days. Everyone’s looking healthy. Marathon OG was having some wind issues because of how the fan in the tent was set up apparently. Made zero sense since the fan was feet above and on the other side of the tent but moving the pot a little closer towards the middle seemed to help. Hoping to turn on the autopots this weekend.

Speedrun Seeds are no joke, Froot Fuel can’t be stopped. Most of their plants that I’ve seen get 8+ oz and I can see why.

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Happy M&Q’s doing so well for a 4 year old seed

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I think I read that Hubbabubbasmelloscope starts out slow and hits its stride later during the stretch, which would make me feel better about her slow growth out of the gate. But I just keep reminding myself, let nature do it’s thing.

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And Marathon OG is hanging in there

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Top dressed with silica (mainly because I forgot to mix it in before I planted) and watered that in with rootwise and quillaja. Girls all looked pretty thirsty. Should be the last hand watering (aside from a few top dresses) and once the pots dry out again this weekend I’ll turn on the autopots. Then it’s hold onto your butts! Hopefully…