New Grower First Time Growing Anything! Featuring Twisted Tree and Mephisto in Coco/Perlite

Thank you friend! I've been brainstorming a few different set-ups for my next grow and whenever I think "Hmmm...I should keep it simple and stick to 6 plants max for my 4x4", the devil on my shoulder keeps whispering" @420autoflower would also do six plants... in a 2x2, grow a pair and stuff 9 in there!".
I've still got about a month to a month-and-a-half to decide to decide what I want to do haha. I don't think I'll be ready for a 20 plant SOG in my 4x4 anytime soon, but one day I want to give it a go.
Here's my 10 in a 4x4 in 1 gallon bags of coco with no training at all but cleaning out the bottoms and some leaf defol
I grew 6 in a 4x4 with 3gal. A lot of people love it, I wasn’t a fan. I think though it depends on how much you defol, how much do you need before your next harvest in 3-4 months and stuff like that. It works for sure just too crowded for my personal taste. You can get mold easier, it happened to me but of my own doing. I unplugged the fans for a minute and 3 days later remembered to plug em in. Dumbass. I think 4 seems to be a good number if you want a little breathing room.
:yeahthat:, especially if any of your strains tend to the large side. You could do more if you want to try it, but you will need to be more careful about air flow through the canopy, and you may need to trim plants to keep them under control. Doable, but more hassle than having a bit of room.

Keep in mind that if you manage the grow reasonably well (this is AFN, home of expert advice, after all), you may end up with more than a pound of bud. Maybe you don't need more than 4 plants. If you want to play around with more, one way to do it (my go to for now) is to just fit in a few solos where you have a bit of space. It can work well in a 4x4.

Good luck with the grow. :pighug:
:yeahthat:, especially if any of your strains tend to the large side. You could do more if you want to try it, but you will need to be more careful about air flow through the canopy, and you may need to trim plants to keep them under control. Doable, but more hassle than having a bit of room.

Keep in mind that if you manage the grow reasonably well (this is AFN, home of expert advice, after all), you may end up with more than a pound of bud. Maybe you don't need more than 4 plants. If you want to play around with more, one way to do it (my go to for now) is to just fit in a few solos where you have a bit of space. It can work well in a 4x4.

Good luck with the grow. :pighug:

Solo cups are a great idea. I was actually strongly considering downsizing to a 2x2 or 3x3 for my next run - I really don’t need all that much although I love being able to freely share with friends and family and having a nice stash for a long term cure. My desire for a packed tent has less to do with wanting lots of bud and more to do with my enthusiasm and excitement to try a bunch of different strains.

By the way your photos are amazing. I don't know much about photography, but I have many places I want to travel in the upcoming years so I may pick your brain about how and where to get started!
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Solo cups are a great idea. I was actually strongly considering downsizing to a 2x2 or 3x3 for my next run - I really don’t need all that much although I love being able to freely share with friends and family and having a nice stash for a long term cure. My desire for a packed tent has less to do with wanting lots of bud and more to do with my enthusiasm and excitement to try a bunch of different strains.

By the way your photos are amazing. I don't know much about photography, but I have many places I want to travel in the upcoming years so I may pick your brain about how and where to get started!
Thanks for the comment on the photos, I appreciate it. If you need information on photography, tag me any time mate, I'd be glad to help. In fairness though, there is some equipment involved for the nicest photos I post - they are not from a phone. I just happened to have most of gear already, so I was pretty much set up for some nice macro work. Having said that, with proper technique you can do a lot with modern cell phones, and I can likely help whatever gear you decide on.

Unless you are concerned with the higher cost of running your 4x4, I would stick with it. The extra space, IMO, is more than worth the cost, especially if you like exploring strains and sharing your product. Given your description of your interests, if I were you I would likely go with 4 or at most 5 plants of the strains you are most interested in, and tuck in as many solos as you like to try other stuff. A decent solo will give you a couple ounces of nice bud, so well worth doing, and a great way to try a new strain without dedicating too much space to it. Not to mention that the solos you fit in are damn near free in incremental cost.

Good luck with it mate, I hope you knock it out of the park. :pighug:
Before you downsize you may wanna see if your personal intake increases when you have bags of fresh free bud in your fridge. You just might find that an ounce now doesn’t quite last as long as the ones you’ve paid for!
Day 71 cookies, sour stomper, 3bogxmango Day 61 Top Gun, LSD
Not much to update other than plants are progressing nicely. I haven’t pulled out the loupe yet for the Sour Stomper. I think I’ll start checking around day 75-80. I had to purchase some bamboo stakes because the stomper was falling over from the weight of its buds!

Sour stomper
Pic taken on day 65ish before I got bamboo stakes.


Taken on day 67 stomper. Frost is unreal. but still no amber. Continues to pack on weight. Smells like grape candy and gas.

Top Gun day 61. Due to height differences she’s receiving more than 55 DLI but she doesn’t seem to mind.

Pic of top gun on day 57 or so. Very photogenic. She’s not been fussy and has been taking defoliation on the chin. She isn’t pungent or gassy but she gives off a pleasant nutty aroma in the background with a soft bubblegum smell in the front. Exactly as described by Atlas Seeds. Height is approx 35 inches.

Day 61 LSD. Approx 31-32 inches tall. Pungent with a capital P. Smells like Skunk. Smacks you in the face with a foul musky note and doesn't have any pretense of being sweet or fruity.

Getting harder and harder to describe the smells since everything sort of blends into each other. 3bogxmango still had a ripe, funky, mango syrup smell going on. I ended up pruning at least 10 lower branches from the 1st and 2nd nodes. I've been battling extremely high humidity and my humidifier can only do so much. It's really late in the game to be aggressively pruning at this stage, but I am paranoid about mold! The girl did not seem to mind.

Pic taken before pruning.

After pruning.

Cookies is finally catchin up to the rest after seeming to have stalled for weeks. Incredibly sticky. Did not take defoliation well although I will not knock her for it. She suffered the most due to my mistakes. After what she’s been through I consider any smokeable material a successful harvest.


group pics

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What a gorgeous freakin tent!! Great job man you knocked it out of the park!

Thank you my friend! Just gotta keep on top of the humidity in order to make it to the finish line. I have a really nice dehumidifier and it's been working overtime. It's around 75 degrees F and 50% RH at the moment, but the tank fills up super fast and the humidity will shoot right up to 70% in an instant. This is mostly a problem at night because if I don't dump the water before bed, the plants are sitting in a steam bath at 70%+ humidity all night. So far *knocks on wood* no signs of mold or rot, but gotta remain vigilant!

FYI I know you're also growing Sour Stomper and mine was so thick by day 55 that she tricked me into thinking she'd be ready early. She was super fat and heavy on day 55-60 and looked to be in line with Mephisto's projected harvest window of 65 days. But nope, I'm letting her continue and she's continuing to stack with zero signs of amber and decent amount of clear trichomes. And without the bamboo stakes to tie her up her buds would be nearly touching the floor!