Leaving a auto past its date

Aug 14, 2021
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Just wondering if anyone has ever left a lady so long past harvest that she has turned hermi and tried to seed herself? I've seen posts on this for photos not sure how true it is and wondering if anyone has done this on purpose or by accident and what was the results? In a few articles they said all seeds were female would this be right? I'm really curious about this thanks in advance. Not sure how stupid this post sounds haha but if you don't know then you ask right ?
Just wondering if anyone has ever left a lady so long past harvest that she has turned hermi and tried to seed herself? I've seen posts on this for photos not sure how true it is and wondering if anyone has done this on purpose or by accident and what was the results? In a few articles they said all seeds were female would this be right? I'm really curious about this thanks in advance. Not sure how stupid this post sounds haha but if you don't know then you ask right ?
not so sure about the first part of your question dont think iv seen anyone purposely leave one to hermie and self seed
but as to e bit about he seeds being female if your seeds come from a female plant that has hermied or been reversed they will be missing the male chromosome so they should all be female buuuut!! if they come from a hermie they can carry that trait into the seeds that can be bred out but would take some time
Some can handle it, and some won't try....some of us older folks purposely let some strains go well beyond their usual harvest point just for that 'knock you on your ass slam' of 100% amber trics. Select strains can be quite significant.