Potential Potassium deficiency? Brown

Sep 1, 2020
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Hi guys,

I have a health issue that i am not sure about but hoping someone will recognise. I had a slight Calcium issue with all plants due to soft water but added some Dolomite lime and it cleared it up with the other plants but an issue persists with this one. I leaves started by going brown round the edges and developed into the picture below.

It seems to be more prominent nearer the top of the plant.

Any help identifying the issue would be greatly appreciated

Need more info on nutes given calmag, ph
Thanks for replying @namvet25

I am using dry amendments - Living Soils.

Auto – Living Soils (livingsoilsfertiliser.com)

If i could just identify what the ailment is i can look at supplementing it organically with either more of the dry amendments or something else.

I PH the water at or around 6.5 - PH meter is calibrated once a month and has just been recalibrated.

-Medium/grow method: BioBizz Lightmix. Hand watering.
-Feed and supplements used: Living Soils dry amendments, following default schedule, handwatering around once every 2 days.
-Water source: tap- dechlorinated-? PH down to around 6.5
-Strain and age Auto Cinderella Jack - week 7/8
-Climate: 24 degress with around a 4 degree flux

- Light used: Telos 10 Pro LED; light cycle hours 18/6; distance to tops 50cm
-Additional info: How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

Thanks again for your help
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Try some cal/mag and and some phosforous and potasium. I'ts getting towards the end of there grow cycle so it might be hard to fix
The coloring makes me think molybdenum, which can be locked out if there is high sulfur and low phosphorous.

I believe BB light has N, but no P or K. It looks like the living soils bloom dressing is 1-5-8, with the potassium being sulfate-based. So, the plant could be pulling the phosphorous out of the soil to such an extent that the sulfur has begun locking out any available molybdenum.
I contacted livingsoils and they were very good and suggested this was too much nitrogen from the grow amendment still in the soil which created the potassium issue. They advised to flush and provided me with some wormcasts and also advised to continue with flowering amendments after this.

Hope that helps
Looks to be a lockout from nitrogen. Having too much nitrogen ends up locking P and K from my experience. Go easier on the nitrogen levels next run bro. If you flush, it will cause different symptoms for sure. Once you end up with a lockout, the plant will never return to normal. This is why I go with coco, because you can feed to run off every time and prevent lockouts or fix them easier