Got some colour change happening

mohawk warrior

Cultivators Club
May 5, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Ask if you wanna know
I’ve been sent to the doctors office by auntie...
Made me chuckle.. and gives hopes..
Checking after some rain
Starting to get teased again.. may just be deficiencies.. ?
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Anyone know the lineage on the golden lemon haze and fizzy kush from seedstockers?
It’s going too
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On the seed stockers it’s every top, first time..
It has been raining a lot and temperatures are colder at night
Promix myco soil
Megacrop feedings.. gotta wait for it to dry a bit to see if a MC feeding will help.
Looks ok to me.That multy shade leaf should grow out normal.
I believe the rain water is what was causing it..
sunny today no megacrop.. a little dose of L.I.F.T.A.
Colour is still teasing and some green coming back. The ph of the rain water must be whack
Looks ok to me.That multy shade leaf should grow out normal.
How about this? Hermaphroditism?
One problem with legal pot...
Every Tom,dick and moron try’s to grow with no clue..
talking to a buddy.. said his neighbor had a fudgen 10ft plant in his back yard like 1month in... he knocks on door.. “I think you have a male”
I know I’m trying to make seeds...

Well fuck... I’m moving back indoors..
Side note I should be getting Cali mist clones from the guy.. anyone smoked that? Any good? arent there like chillers for res? You going outside dwc? That’ll be deadly!!!
I know if you put a cooler deep in the ground it stays colder... but that be a pain in the ass once it gets bigger

I’m searching and I’m at a loss still lol I rip these things off and dissect it’s not like a nut...
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Then I look at this and think leafs?
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Look to right and then seen this
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Been monitoring that one... did not expect white hairs...
I dunno..
How hot does it get again? I’ve powered through many of real hot humid summers... u should be good

And your an awesome neighbor if u did that.. but I think he blow farther than .5miles lol
Setup the outdoor shower like mossy near the house so u can decontaminate every time u go in and out
Starting to think it’s not a deficiency
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Such a weird structure
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Looks like ball but I dunno..

Pistils looks colourful in pictures