overdrive for auto?? Pls help

Oct 10, 2020
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Hi im growing an northern light auto theres about 2 weeks left till i start to flush im growing in coco/perlite and im using ghe flora nutes atm im giving the plant 2ml calmag,2m micro,0.5ml grow and 2.5ml bloom im about to cut out the calmag and grow and just use 2ml micro 4ml bloom per gallon ive got some some overdrive i want to use befor i do final flush but i dont no how to use it as its my first time growing how much per gallon for an auto and do i cut out bloom nutes if im using overdrive? I dont have a clue any advice is greatly appreciated
Hey mate its meant to be used as well as your base nutes. 2ml per litre is the recommended dose. :thumbsup:
Hey mate its meant to be used as well as your base nutes. 2ml per litre is the recommended dose. :thumbsup:
Ok thanks pal shud i just give it half the recomended dose for a auto
Yea mate either that or dial back the base nutes a tad
Another thing i wanted to ask is am i ok to cut out the calmag if i start the overdrive because ive heard some nutes need calmag mixed in the water for the plant to be able to uptake the nutes
There is a whole science about how certain elements balance each other out its called liebigs law of minimums i think

So if a plant is not getting enough calcium that limits how much of the other nutrients it can absorb.
Although when it comes to the last couple of weeks i dont worry too much about all that and i also cut out calmag.
As with everything in growing cannabis youll find a 100 different methods mate!