New Grower Has Anyone ever received one of these in mail?

At least they let you know they have been snooping around. In my country we dont have even that. They just snoop around anything they like and put you on some list based on their findings that you never get to see or hear about. Then they come without a warrant because they dont need one and kicks in your door, steals half your stuff and throws you in jail for 3 days for questioning.

Damn that sucks. What country do you live in so I can avoid coming there.
I hope everyone here will not think that I am to big of a prick but the mystery I believe is solved. I am embarrassed to tell you guys but I don't want to cause any unnecessary worry or confusion for anyone else. When I walked in from the airport last night I knew that my package had arrived and the first thing I did was drop my bags and opened it. I did not notice the card. About 30 minutes later I dumped my bag on the laundry room table which was close to where I had laid the package. I still did not notice anything. When I went back in the room I saw the card and just made the paranoid leap that it had fallen out of the package when I ripped it open in excitement and I did not notice it and never considered my bags. I did not make the distinction between post and the agency whose name shall not be spoken and their particular and separate duties until you guys started talking. Thanks everyone.

UGH, I will be so glad when this shit is legal.
Damn that sucks. What country do you live in so I can avoid coming there.

I will not say country but I say scandinavia. Best to stay out of all of it if you can. Do not believe the hype. You wont have freedom here.
Well thanks you big prick.:roflcry::roflcry:

Well yeah.. you are welcome. I might not be smartest one here but at least you can call me names and laugh at me, right?
No worries. The giveaway was TSA. As far as I know they only handle airport "security"
At least they let you know they have been snooping around. In my country we dont have even that. They just snoop around anything they like and put you on some list based on their findings that you never get to see or hear about. Then they come without a warrant because they dont need one and kicks in your door, steals half your stuff and throws you in jail for 3 days for questioning.

Ever consider moving Med . :grin:
I once brought back load of moody DVDs, several snide watches, a rake of unprescribed Valis, far too many smokes (packets opened and one from each packet discarded) and a portable conduction cooker! I reckon they just thought it not worth the trouble/paperwork! :xlaugh:
:Sharing One: