Just a Big Ol' Update!
Thank you Truu!! Means a lot coming from a grower such as yourself my friend!
So this is gonna be a big update. So what's left in my tents... Photo Tent : 1 Tangie, 1 Ice Cool, 1 Lavendurp, & 1 Playboy (the latter two share the small tent during dark period, during the light they are with the autos). Auto Tent : *in line for Ol' Chop Eyes* Jack 47, 2 Critical Jack Herers... 4 - 10 Day old Silver Runs and 2 - 9 Day Old Green Poisons...
I don't know if anyone remembers Stretch Cunningham... My 6' 2" Critical Jack Herer AUTO lol... Well, she's just starting her flush and I haven't pictured her in a month or so (just too much of a pain in the ass to move her lol) but she came out to play tonight... Even after tying her main cola down to keep her under the lights... she's still pushing 6 Foot. And in TRUE Delicious Seeds CJH Auto Form her buds are DENSE. Not the airy sativas you'd typically get with this pheno... She may be my biggest Auto Yield yet... So here's Stretch Cunningham AKA CJ #4 in all her glory! Waira, you'll notice second to last picture... Sissy Dissy is WAY down there at the bottom... You can barely see her... Her stem and calyxes are turning gold/yellow... I've only seen that in Assassin... OH how can I forget the best part! She smells like a Vanilla Cake Donut! No... Really!!
Haven't pictured the Tangie in a while... The shorter one got stressed and hermied on me so she has been culled... (from the week of below freezing at night, and stupid me has the lights O


Minor details!!!) Oh well, lesson learned! What she did produce up til then is being smoked and used for Oil... This lady is 36 days in 12/12... If I do grow Tangie again she will be topped for sure... They sure do like to stretch!
Had to feed the Auto Silver Run and Auto Green Poison... The ASR are 10 Days from Sow and AGP is 9 Days from Sow. ASR on the 4 corners and AGP in the middle...
I'll finish up with my Sweet Seeds Kids... Our Photo Ice Cool and the last Jack 47 (#2) Auto...
Ice Cool
Jack 47 #2
That's the Thursday Night Grow Show! Thanks again to all of you that always support me! It means the world! :grat: