Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have vaped that fresh hash!:funny::funny::funny::funny:
Woooooo Boy! I'm probably gonna be up till 2:00 AM easy!:face::face::haha::haha::haha:

I'm watching some youtube videos and one pops up in my feed about this Silly Brit's reaction to authentic Cowboy Beans. We kind that the trail cook made back in the long cattle drive days.

This dude is silly as hell!:face::face::funny::funny:
He's not very intelligent either. He couldn't fathom that altitude would affect the cooking time of beans.:face::face::face::WTF::WTF::gassy::gassy1:

I just had to comment......:biggrin::muahaha:

I think Alexa is spying on me!:eek2::eek2::eek2:

I'm typing this so she won't hear me!🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

She overheard me telling my cousin about the pot of beans I was cooking today!:yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:

Alexa and Al Gore Rhythm have conspired together to make this vid of this silly Limey talking about beans!:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

I swear! For a country that has made many fortunes in trading spices, Brits have weak ass palates!:funny::funny::funny::funny:

Probably time for bed @WildBill ...
..before my weak ass palate takes a bite outta your arse..
i knew u'd have a snappy comeback for that, and thus, i wazn't gonna say a word :rofl: :biggrin: ppp

Man's on a roll...... :pass: find out what he's smoking and I'll put it on the staff ban list.

You and Gracie okay...?...:pighug: