Grow Mediums Organic growing with Coco


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
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Hi my fellow stoners

I've been growing for almost 10 years now, and got great results with Coco, airpots, regular House and Garden nutes amd LEDs in a tent. I mainly do autos, but I don't mind doing photos in the blistering heat of Summer.

My problem is my health, I get Cluster Headaches which is up there as one of the most painful conditions known.

I don't think Cannabis is a trigger, but I am worrying that the nutes are a potential issue.... I'm not big on flushing as I live in a very humid region and mould becomes a problem.

I'm happy with my technique, all I want to do is change my H&G nutes for an organic brand.

I've looked at Bio-Diesel and see that Canna do a Bio range.... what have you been using and what do you think?
I liked H&G because they had a good root stimulator (Roots Excellurator) and their Mutizyme was good too. I also liked their Bud XL and their PK13/14 product (Top Booster).
I'm looking for one range that has similar products.
I also used Advanced Nutrients 'Bud Candy" and some sites sell it as an Organic product.... really???
If you know of any good links here on AFN, I'd be grateful for the tip off.

Cheers and happy growing!
I've had really good success with the general organics full line. It's kinda a pain to mix fresh every day though
@Teetee sorry to hear about the headaches and pain! Are the headaches being triggered by pot usage? Combustion or edibles? If not then what makes you want to change? The nutrients taken into the plant are virtually identical regardless to the source. The Ions the roots will take in are the same. If you do not apply anything foliar then there will be no difference in the plants. Foliar applications could leave a residue of something?

The GH products listed above were the first thing I thought of also but Coco has some properties that work better with salt based nutrients like the H&G you have been using. Have you thought about going to a peat based mix?

We have a product vendor on sight that represents an organic product for mold control called Phyter that may be of help for mold in a high RH situation. It is something you could look into but here again it is a foliar product that could have some residual something even though they claim it does not.

I have IBS, Crones Disease and diabetes. I have so many triggers for the IBS that it has taken years to work out a diet that does not make me sick. I feel your pain.

If you are seeking more relevant quality control (better product?), including in terms of purity, consistency and lab-based testing, you should go with the non-organic pure salts-based base nutes. There will generally be more variability, less purity, more unwanted and/or unneeded ingredients, less transparency about ingredients, less toxicology (regrettably still including some animal) testing and safety review, etc. with the complex organic mixtures.

For ex., compare sourced sugars-based Big Bud vs. molasses (or sucrose/sugar vs. honey); pure soluble potassium salts vs. kelp/seaweed extracts used as organic K sources (as I recall); consider the complexity of products like humic acid; who knows what's concentrated in nutes derived from compost (e.g., teas) or Leonardite; etc.

For those with unknown immunological disease triggers, using complex organic ingredient-based mixture base nutes might increase risks of an individualized 'trigger' and/or other organic residues being present in buds. The diversity of components in organic nutes presumably adds risks vs. pure(r) salts-based nutes. [This could also extend to growing hydro involving fewer and less unknown and/or unneeded organic residues vs. growing in soil. Any evidence in that hydro-grown foods contain more, less or the same level of 'triggers' vs. soil grown foods?]
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I grow in coco an peat but over the the years I've added so much worm castings, an a whole list of down to earth products as well as many home made fermented things as well I grow in the living coco style I created years ago I also reuse my coco cause for me it's all about sustainability an microbes here's one of my latest but I've gotten these results thousands of times before lol 😂
Have you thought about using the Bio-Tabs line up? There's a growing number of Cultivators @St. Tom , @Bob's Auto's that come to mind that have had amazing results using them.
That's completely true!
I've seen many people, myself included, who became a fan after only one grow with this nutrient line. Everything goes into the soil at day 1 and after that it's water only. In flower you start adding some tea and Bob's your uncle... :drunks:
Check out the BioTabs Starter Pack and the PK Booster Compost tea. If you're Stateside, Amazon is probably where you'll find it. :thumbsup:
Have you thought about using the Bio-Tabs line up? There's a growing number of Cultivators @St. Tom , @Bob's Auto's that come to mind that have had amazing results using them.
I would love to, seen the results too. Unfortunately, Biotabs isn't sold in Australia.
When I do a search for it, I just get a load of adverts for urinal cakes!

@hope2grow recomended this nutes line and i aint looked back since.​

I use Biobizz lightmix soil with Advanced Nutrients A + B Bloom & Overdrive as the finisher upper.​

Its PH perfect & can be used in Coco and Hydro.​

May be one for just for Coco tho, cant remember lol​

I dont flush at the end, i just water the last 2 or 3 feeds



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