Extraction Tincture questions

May 21, 2022
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So i want to make tincture. Is it better to decarb then use everclear to extract, let all the alcohol evaporate then add mct as a carrier or should i infuse mct with the decarbed flower, then strain the flower?

going to use 1/2 oz of flower and 1/2 oz of trim. Trying to get 12 potent 30ml bottles That are mct because they don’t burn like the alcohol.
You can directly infuse your decarb flowers and trim directly in MCT - I use FECO (ethanol extraction) when I need a stronger product (for insomnia, pain, etc...)
Good luck !

if i go directly with mct. What would be the percentage in strength difference than doing alcohol? Like how much am i losing by not doing the alcohol method, evaping off, the adding mct versus infusing the mct with decarb
if i go directly with mct. What would be the percentage in strength difference than doing alcohol? Like how much am i losing by not doing the alcohol method, evaping off, the adding mct versus infusing the mct with decarb
I'd try both methods and see what fits best ?
Alcohol extraction is much more concentrated than simple MCT infusion - however both work fine, you just need to take more MCT infusion at once.
I've been asking the same question for a long time, and have come to these conclusions:

Alcohol extraction (95% Everclear) is probably the most efficient extraction, but is too much work and expense.
I'd guess it's about 95% efficient.

Leaving the decarbed herb, ground to fine powder, in the oil, and putting it into capsules, or baking it into cookies, is 100% efficient, and the method I have been using.

For myself, I've defined "one dose" to be 0.5 g herb, which for 16% thc herb is about 80 mg thc.
About 0.2 g herb in each size 00 capsule is the strongest unstrained oil that goes easily into caps using a candy dropper.
For 16% thc herb (160 mg thc for each 1000 mg herb), that's about 32 mg thc each, so these are 0.2/0.5 ="40% Pills."
I use these caps for sleep, and after many years of use, need to take about 4.
I also make slightly weaker caps, "30% Pills," each containing 0.15 g herb, to be able to fine tune dosage.

Recently I tried an experiment to try to figure out how much potency is lost when straining an herb/oil mixture.
I used an Ongrok infuser (a smaller version of Magical Butter Machine) @ 160 F for 1 hr, followed by 2 more hours of NoHeat infusion.
I let the mixture settle in a beaker for 3 or 4 days, and then poured off the liquid, leaving the solids behind.
(I could've strained immediately, but chose the settling method instead)

Next I used 3 small batches of 95% Everclear and vigorous hand-stirring, followed by hours of settling and pour-off, to try to glean any remaining potency from those solids.
The third stirring produced a liquid that was clear enough that I suspected near zero potency remained.
Then I boiled off the alcohol. (There exist devices to reclaim larger volumes).
Some potency did remain, and I combined it with the original strained oil.

I was a bit surprised at how little potency did remain in the strained-out material, and I'd guess the oil extraction is almost as efficient as the alcohol extraction, 90-95%.
The straining process increased the concentration, from what I've defined as "40%" for the unstrained oil, to about 70%.
That's concentrated enough to be called "oil tincture," and put into tincture dropper bottles.
One 70% cap contains about 0.7*80 mg thc = 56 mg thc, and will hold about 33 drops at room temperature.
That means each drop is about 1.7 mg thc.
Putting this into baked goods is easy.

Here's a recipe for the small batch Ongrok machine.
(Magical Butter Machine and the other brand machines probably need 1.5 to double this recipe to reach the "minimum" line)
56 g Decarbed herb, ground to fine powder
56 g lecithin
148 g Any Oil
[my actual test used (47 g herb) + (47 g Lecithin) + (122 g Coconut Oil)]

In the future I'm likely to use this recipe with a single small rinse/reclaim from the strained-out herb.
Decarbing reduces weight slightly, increasing %THC, and probably compensates for slight extraction inefficiency in the calculations
I don't think type of oil matters much, and some oils like olive and avocado can be kept as mostly liquid in a refrigerator.
MCT oil supposedly can hold and carry THC better than other oils. The infusion percentage should be highest with MCT over other oils. The Ardent website has some nice articles and lab reports on their testing for mg/g infused into different types.

This article has some nice information about half way down:

MCT oil supposedly can hold and carry THC better than other oils. The infusion percentage should be highest with MCT over other oils. The Ardent website has some nice articles and lab reports on their testing for mg/g infused into different types.

This article has some nice information about half way down:

I'm an equipment testing geek who owns two MagicalButterMachines, a couple other similar devices, two Ardent Lifts, and two Ardent FXs.
And a tCheck potency tester.
I had always worried about the lack of stirring when infusing with the Ardent devices.
And I couldn't get the tCheck to work correctly, hinting at the difficulty of potency testing.
THC testing is very, very error prone, and I attribute differences in infusion percentages to this error.
IMHO oil type really doesn't matter.
From the ardent website, olive oil is best, but all oils are pretty close.
I'd guess that increasing infusion time would also increase Infusion% for the supposed less efficient oils:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil2 g – 400mg392mg96%View Results
Fractionated Coconut Oil2 g – 400mg332mg81%View Results
Walnut Oil2 g – 400mg370mg91%View Results
The ardent tests use a large oil/herb ratio that might not apply to more concentrated infusions.

For example, instead of using 2 g herb in 1 oz oil (~27g), which is about 4% herb, I use on average 2.6 g oil for 1 g herb, which is about 38% herb.
I say people should use the most convenient oils for their situations.
For example, instead of using 2 g herb in 1 oz oil (~27g), which is about 4% herb, I use on average 2.6 g oil for 1 g herb, which is about 38% herb.

Do you strain the herb out of the oil or leave it in when dosing? Does it atop the dropper up? Or is this strictly for capsules?
Do you strain the herb out of the oil or leave it in when dosing? Does it atop the dropper up? Or is this strictly for capsules?
I have been leaving the herb in the oil, and putting it into capsules with these:
Amazon product ASIN B01IAE8WZ2It's not a fun process.
The mixture must be kept hot and stirred, and stopping up is an issue.

I dose using either capsules or cookies, but with strained oil tincture dosing by the dropper-full is also possible.

Leaving the herb in baked cookies is nearly taste free, and I might continue doing that.

Here's a snickerdoodle recipe I use to make 24 cookies using one of these:
Amazon product ASIN B073LL778JSolid ingredients:
Flour = 54 g
Sugar = 32 g
Cinnamon = 6 g
Salt = 2 g

Liquid ingredients:
Decarbed herb powder should be infused into the oil with lecithin before mixing
Decarbed Herb powder = 6 g
Oil = 31 g
Lecithin = 6 g
Water = 18 g
Vanilla = 2 g

Bake for 10 min @ 350 F

The above amounts will fill the 24 receptacle cookie sheet exactly.
Each cookie will have 0.25 g herb, which for 16% thc is about 40 mg thc.
Instead of cinnamon, cocoa powder can be used to make chocolate cookies.

I use these caps:
Amazon product ASIN B00428B6X6And a size 00 capsule holder.
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I have done alcohol extraction for awhile now and best delivery method for me is keebler cookies.....just a dropper full or two on the store bought cookies, set out on the counter for an hour or three to evape then into my cookie bin in the fridge. Have just started using Ardent FX and first batch of brownies is WAY too strong. Going to be a learning curve there.