Dutch Passion Bob's Dutch Passion Grow - Auto Night Queen and Auto White Widow do Karel's BioTabs...

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hey AFN fam., @Antonio_DutchPassion :toke:

A while ago the nice people of Dutch Passion offered me the opportunity to do something I have never done before...Grow in "organics" :gassy:
"I'm not an organics man" is something I discovered many a years ago...Chemical is so much easier with it's measurements and repeatable methods...Well that was my first reaction when Antonio asked if I wanted to do just that. :shrug:
The only thing I'd have to do to feed the lot was about an half hour of work in prepping the soil and as soon as the seeds hit the soil the only thing you'd give 'm is plain unadulterated tap water. No pH altering, not even adding one grain of salt to it. Just pour it from the tap onto to soil or in my case, in the Autopot water tank. :woohoo:

The fact that I'm writing this thread means I accepted his offer, gladly I must say so! Because who wouldn't want to grow a full tent of Dutch Passions best and oldest strains in auto form. :worship:

Alright...Let's get this mf'er on the road...:coffee:

Last week I ordered the last ingredients for my new grow...which arrived a couple of days later.

Last night I took out the seeds and dropped them in some demineralized water with two drops of rooting product. And there the stayed for about 24 hours.


I took everything else needed for my preparation....

To fill the four 8.5L autopots I took 30L Lightmix (with perlite), added 10L perlite to this and mixed well.
Afterwards it was time to add the suggested amounts of Startrex and Silicium Flash which are the colored powders on top of the soil.


Done mixing... :biggrin:

I wasn't going to pay 9€ + shipping for something I could make myself. So these are my DIY aird0mes :shrug:

Pots filled and airhoses in place :thumbsup:

Nee, my work isn't done yet...Now it's time to dig a hole, about a teaspoon deep and double the width and put 5 teaspoons of Mycotrex in there.

All four pots done, pffff...hard work :oops1::haha:

I filled the soil back into the holes and mixed the contents with my finger :woody:
Then poked a hole with my pinky finger and sowed the seed. Only one thing remained for me to do and all my feeding work was done...Insert two BioTabs on opposite corners 5 and 10cm deep. Even the choice of which corner was mine and mine alone to make :crying:
Finally it was time to give them their first watering... I added one gram of Bactrex to one liter of water and divided that between two pots as I felt that adding one liter of liquid to the pots at this time would be to much, mah....:shrug:

Here I've just inserted the pots into their trays, which haven't been connected yet to the tank.




Bob :toke:

@JSH1973 @Suki813 @St. Tom @Trichome farmer @pop22 @blue @WildBill @nizmoKush @MassMom @Antonio_DutchPassion @TheMongol @Sour D @Wian @AJrexxx @Bmurrciless @DCLXVI @Trichome Jim @greeninNY @Steviestash @Olderfart @DDubs @The Mugwamp
Oh wow :bighug: What a response :joy:
Thanks for the rep @JSH1973, @Olderfart & @St. Tom!!! :bow:

Following along on your adventure. Good luck Bob
Thanks buddy :cheers:

very cool! Crap what did I do... Sorry about the orange text
Thanks mate! A bit of color can't harm anything :pass:

looking forward to this bob my bro :smoking::d5::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe:
Thanks mate!!

Me too @Bob's Auto's , I want to grow that Night Queen one of these days. :biggrin:
Me three :woohoo:
I saw it last summer on their webshop and wanted to grow it. The White Widow because I'm still searching for that one smoke from the old days before weed had +20% THC.


:nicethread: Definitely following!!
This mom is getting too old for coco and confusing nutrient mixing. :biggrin: I cant wait to see how this comes out and I just may follow you!!

Hey, if I can do it you certainly can do it Mom!!

Now that's the way to grow! :goodluck:
That's what I'm hoping :thumbsup:
Hey Bob, what a nice start to your grow journal! :cooldance:

Obviously we will be watching this thread carefully! Any questions along the way? Don't wait and hit me a DM :d5:

I think you did everything the way it should :thumbsup:the only thing I would personally do a little bit different the next time, is the watering of your pots after sowing the seed. Because it can happen that the seeds will be poured down far further than they need to be for a quick and good germination. Normally they just need to be around 5-10mm deep.

A tip is to cover the top of the pots with microwave foil, to keep the moist in. Otherwise the top layer can dry out quickly. Another tip is to lightly spray the top of the soil each day if you don't use that. You could also place half of an open 1,5L plastic bottle above the spot where you placed the seed, to create a sort of greenhouse effect (keep the lit off).

I'm myself a big advocate of germinating seeds in cotton pads and then transferring them into the pots once the root is 1-3cm long.
With this technique you decrease the risk of ever loosing a seed because of them drying out (as long as you water the soil).

Anyway, I'm sure you will get the heads sticking above the ground but it might be something worth considering next time.

I wish you all the best and let's see some beautifully grown organic buds! I'm sure you will come to love this way of growing :cheers: