Hey y’all I’m a new grower and I’ve got some small almost white bumps growing on my newer top growths. I’m not sure if I have something wrong. Possibly starting to form mildew or if these are trichomes ( I’m such a noob I wouldn’t know) But we’re growing Amnesia Haze in fox farm ocean Forrest soil, using a beginner fox farm starter fertilizer kit. I’m 7 weeks in and have flowers started roughly 2ish weeks. I’ve been trying to use distilled water to mix with fertilizers for the last few weeks. I’m such a noob that if it’s trichomes on leaves I wouldn’t know what I was looking at. Just trying to make sure I’m not looking at a health problem. I’ve been trying to keep humidity under 60 but closer to 45-50. I have a pretty rudimentary open tent 3 wall set up and a 1200 Led light. Any info or help y’all could provide would be very welcome! Hopefully y’all can tell me we’re looking at the start of trichomes and I’m panicking as a nooby!
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