Extraction Cooking Oils--Infusion--Need Members Suggestions--No more vap for awhile


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
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Howdy All:

I am going to switch over to edibles for awhile.

I do not plan on cooking brownies etc. Just want to dose by spoon or mix with something I might be eating etc. Quick and easy.

Lots of info. online--but--prefer AFN members advice.

Rancidity is what I want to avoid. Although, I will be making small batches initially--so, it is really no big deal. I will buy the best oil and just check the bottles expiration or production date and store properly.

I have 1/2 OZ. to work with at the moment. Anticipating much more, in the near future, if the young ones get a move on ;).
Type of oil suggestions - will be helpful.

Your method. And suggested oil quantity to 1/2 OZ bud - also helpful (assume it can be dilute later if too strong).

And all tips of the stove top trade are welcome.

Many thanks for your time. I do appreciate it and will let you know how it turns out.

Take it easy.
Type of oil suggestions - will be helpful.
coconut oil is by far the most premium oil IMO.

I think TBM and a few others would agree.


pretty much all you need to know...

2 things I'd reccomend you pick up... are a squeeze-type potato ricer and a pressure cooker... I highly reccomend the pressure cooker as once it locks up pressure there is very little odor... and also it can achieve better temps for decarboxylation of THC


other tips: in a pressure cookler I'd recomend 3-4 hours cook time once you achive a 15 PSI pressure level (make sure you have a pressure cooker safe for this pressure!)

open top cooking or crockpot I'd reccomend a min of 24 hours to get a good extraction. also.... add 1 capful yes CAP not CUP of vodka if you like to help extract... :toke:
and definetly use water with it no matter what... both to regulate temp and also to help wash out off flavors and or / leftover residues ferts in the plant matter.
I use vegetable oil for my oil. Coconut is a better quality but I can't stand the taste of coconuts, so don't use it.

I now do a water cure first before making the oil. Water curing removes 95%+ of the smell and taste. Then I put it wet right into the crock pot with enough oil to just cover it, low setting for 12-14 hours. Once it's cooled down I strain through a piece of silk screen. The resulting oil is usually a light to medium green color. I then use 1 tablespoon of oil as my "control" to test out the potency. So far I've only had 1 batch were a tablespoon was a bit too much. But that batch was pure buds, no shake or leaves, so understandable.

I've found I prefer to use sativas for my oil. I sometimes have issues with sativas causing my blood pressure to drop. For whatever reason, this rarely happens with sativa oils. I like to use some to make lunch, maybe some left over rice, veggies, whatever, and maybe a couple eggs. Sort of a stir fry. I like the energizing high I get from it which usually lasts for at least 6 hours, if now longer. I do have some indica oils but find them a bit too heavy for day time use unless I just want to veg out for the whole afternoon.
Greatly appreciated JM and Muddy. I see taste is a preference. I thought about olive oil, however, coconut oil sounds good. I will check JM's thread and review your method Muddy. Simplicity at this time is probably best for me. When I finish my next grow I can really experiment.

I will be using high grade OG buds. Shame to have to oil them up but it is necessary.

I do want to be careful will the ratio of oil to the 1/2 oz of bud.

Yes, the water curing of some sort is really important (I see JM's method is via pressure cooker) to get any residue out. Muddy----can you tell me more about it: Chop the buds fine or medium size? Distilled water? Room temp? And how long of a soak? Sounds just like a water cure. Could I have it backwards--soak buds first and then chop prior to crock pot.

Once again I -- appreciate your time and help.
Ask JM and you shall receive---muchas gracias my friend.

+ your coconut recipe = yummy.

May be a few weeks before process is completed. Will let you know how it goes.
I see JM already linked you to the water cure threat. Good man, that JM.

I just use tap water, change it every day for a week or so. If I've got some big buds I may break them apart a bit before I start the cure, otherwise I don't bother.
Thanks Muddy.

Not to be a big arse nuisance. What quantity of the coconut oil ought I use, initially, per 1/2 bud. Will just use oil as is (by spoon or mix with peanut butter etc.) or tinker with it. For night time use (possibly some days at very low dose).

Like many, I have had the brownies and edibles from other sources that had an incredible ceiling. Just looking for pleasant relaxation and modest med. effect.

About to order the supplies recommended by JM and Muddy.

Cheers to all.
Joirge cerventes reccomends 1 ounce of weed to 1 stick of butter... i think a stick of butter is a cup?

use that as the guideline.... and alays test the batch as muddy suggested (i too, use a 1 tsp straight does as my primary potency test prior to using for antyhing... and remember to wait 2 hours before thinking nothing is happening1 ;smokeit;
Jorge is probably right for recipes. I will play it very conservative. I am set on your coconut oil. So true--testing--most of us have experienced la la land via too many brownies--where is the ceiling!!!!

Thanks JM

And thanks DubV for your pub message.