Hey everyone we'd like to welcome the company Forever Green Indoors to the Autoflower Network!

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Forever Green Indoors provides lighting solutions for both commercial and the home growing horticultural markets and wanted to show their products off and help educate our growers on what's out there for grow light solutions!

Their representative on-site is @Forever Green Indoors and he will be logging in weekly to check on posts and to reply to questions and we'll get a contact information thread up as well for best times/methods to contact them at their place of business if you'd like.

They've also generously donated some panels to our product testing team for a grow-and-show, so we'll have a full documented journal here on AFN showing the experience first hand and hopefully a guided look through on how to best use their lights!

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Welcome again Forever Green Indoors and we're looking forward to seeing some grows done with your products!

Thanks for the Welcome! My name is Kevin Sullivan, founder and owner of FGI, happy to be associated with such a cool community and I hope to be able to contribute. I'm the chief science guy here - designed our US made lighting lines (and I travel Asia in search of imported products worth carrying - this year will be a big year in terms of a wide variety of new lower cost LED tech).


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:welcome: :smokeout: :thanks: Hey Kevin, welcome to this little slice of canna' heaven! Thank you for coming aboard AFN.... :cheers:

Great website mate, lots of proper and practical info about the science and application to horticulture- :thumbsup: .... I've been mostly a Sun grower, so indoor lighting is not my forte, but after trying blurples and COB's, I'm finding the shadowing effect from strong point-source lights, and the uneven scatter of single spec' diodes to be something of an issue for coverage and penetration (one of the many ways the Sun is a spoiler :biggrin:)... These Q-board type LED's seem to fix all of this! After seeing some very nice results from them here, my next light purchase will be one of these types....