What features would you like to see on AFN?

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys and gals, we're actually gearing up to do a fairly major software upgrade for the forum (still the same forum software, just a big leap in the version.)

With this, we'll be losing a couple key features people are used to (reputation is going bye-bye unfortunately,) but with the new version, it opens up a TREMENDOUS amount of new things for us to look at to help improve and add on to the site!

There are a couple key things I'm pretty excited to work on and develop for it; one is a better system for grow journals (akin to a blogging system) that is going to hopefully allow for VERY CLEAN grow journals on the site, where each update is listed by entry and we'll be able to more easily categorize grows.

Here's an example from the demo, where you create a journal and then create entries for that journal, which are sorted via table of contents. You can view an entire grow journal at once (start to finish in the same page,) or click on each individual entry for that specific update. If it work as advertised, this should make grow journals INCREDIBLY clean, vastly easier to read, and if you title your entries by week, extremely easy to follow the growth and progress. And it keeps all comments on each entry at the very bottom, so there's no longer sorting through 10 pages of members chatting to get that next update in the journal.


Another feature we're looking at is a type of "article management system," that actually works similar to wordpress, where selected growers become "authors" capable of creating article-like content. We're going to see if we can open this up to vendors (allowing them to post more updates here on AFN in a format that is more familiar) and I've heard several growers on here are blog writers, so would love to figure something out with it! I see it being beneficial and fun!

With our next version, we'll be implementing a light and dark visual style for the site (so two contrasts) and I'll work with our stellar graphic artist to make sure the color scheme jives!

We're still considering some live chat options (where it updates automatically, live,) whether it's a chat bar at the bottom or something similar. When we tested it out last time, we found out our hardware was pretty ancient for what we were demanding (oops lol) but we've fixed that with the new server hardware, so we're going to consider looking at an option for audio/video chatting as well.

We're working with the staff on collating information and data for tutorials better (and working on a plan to get them listed in nicer format, so reading them will be easier and more of a cakewalk then wrestle with a greased pig.)

Is there anything you'd like to see on AFN that we haven't explored or would like us to consider?
So what's going to happen to our old threads ,will they update in New format or be lost

You mention selected growers being allowed to create artical style content. On what basis are these authors being selected ,sounds like we heading for a tiered bennifit system more than likely depending who's flavour of the month

And are you saying we can't have a flowing chat in our threads
I mention that last point as we treat our own threads at times as a chat room especially the UK growers ,; most won't go in general chat as in our own we can slay vlanders off as much as we like ,,and say things we wouldn't say in general chat etc,,
@hairyman don't think the regular chat in threads will go away as everyone likes to chat up in those too. But possibly having ongoing live chat (it would be like Instant Messaging) would be separate where if anyone would like to join in they can instead of a live thread like Live Stoners.
Really like the idea AFN mods are reaching out like this. I’m a newbie here and haven’t seen the likes of this type of interaction elsewhere.

Great idea on the organized approach to journals! I could use some help there for sure.

My only request is a scratch and sniff app. We should have the option of fulfilling our sense of smell along with the visual beauties on here. Come on you AFN developers make it happen!! [emoji41]

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So what's going to happen to our old threads ,will they update in New format or be lost

All the old threads will still be there and accessible. I'm fairly certain unfortunately there is no way to update old threads to the new format (I just don't see how that'd be possible with the comments/replies,) but we certainly aren't going to delete or remove any data/journals. Depending on how we can set things up with it, it may be possible to facilitate both styles (the old style and the new system,) but ultimately if we find the new system works well, that's what we're going to be emphasizing on.

You mention selected growers being allowed to create artical style content. On what basis are these authors being selected ,sounds like we heading for a tiered bennifit system more than likely depending who's flavour of the month

When I first approached the idea, I was going to go strictly for "vendors only" on the idea that it would be a nicer format for them to post updates and information about their science, technology, etc. I've had some growers on here approach me as content writers, blog writers, etc, so when I say "select growers," the idea was in mind to try out people that actually have experience writing articles (and members of AFN.) Maybe my phrasing was a bit off, but it wasn't meant as a way to create elitism, but rather give people with some creative flow an outlet. My hesitation with not making it a free-for-all is because historically, we know people take advantage of that lol :hump: So we'll start cautiously! :hump:

And are you saying we can't have a flowing chat in our threads

The live chat would start out strictly as Live Stoner Chat (I don't know if you saw what we were testing out before, it put a chat bar at the bottom of the site that appeared on EVERY single page of the site that you viewed, making live stoner chat accessible virtually anywhere/everywhere on the site. I don't think we'd build it out much beyond that, half the point of a forum is to have content that's searchable and able to be indexed (which you lose in the live chat.) The live chat integrates with Xenforo though, so you can direct message users via the chat, and it auto updates near instant. The one version we tested had a video plugin that allowed you to live chat with other users! The member Clix and I were video chatting for a bit using it, it was awesome (and super, super weird too lol!)

As far as the threads go, with the new journal software it would be comments made on each entry (that you can still reply to,) it just keeps them sorted away from the main post.

I mention that last point as we treat our own threads at times as a chat room especially the UK growers ,; most won't go in general chat as in our own we can slay vlanders off as much as we like ,,and say things we wouldn't say in general chat etc,,

Actually I would ask you guys to check your "slagging off vendors," we've had some complaints recently that I'm going to talk to you and a select few others about as well (sorry bud.) :d5:

Thinking on that last point can we have a faciitie to open members only chat rooms

You would have to be a registered member of AFN to see the chat/take part (it can allow for guest chatting but that's just an invite for trolling.) Otherwise no, I don't believe we'd do a private member-only chat.

Can we have a new graphic for micro section

That's doable, when we get the new software up I'll likely be going through all the icons and fixing some things (noticed some backgrounds are transparent and others are not, etc.) Minor things but things to fix nonetheless. None of the old visual styles transfer over (I'll be the first to say I'm happy about that,) so we'll be starting fresh on a few of the visual aspects.

I would like you to consider a send your bud to MR magoo section please. :woohoo1:

I believe Chevy Chase tried this unsuccessfully on Saturday Night Live many, many years ago :rofl:

Really like the idea AFN mods are reaching out like this. I’m a newbie here and haven’t seen the likes of this type of interaction elsewhere.

Great idea on the organized approach to journals! I could use some help there for sure.

My only request is a scratch and sniff app. We should have the option of fulfilling our sense of smell along with the visual beauties on here. Come on you AFN developers make it happen!! [emoji41]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is no AFN without the growers. I saw what another forum with a million dollar backer couldn't do with all their glitz and glam; there's just no amount of money that can create the vibe of a good, strong community. Take away all the cool visual stuff and you're just left with people (so we try to create an atmosphere for good people that want to hang around with good people!) :d5::bighug:
I'm also looking at a solution that allows editing of rotation of pictures uploaded to the site for those weird picture uploads lol.

I've also sprung for the Enhanced Search add-on, which according to the devs makes using the search function AMAZING and actually useful (it's a big pain in the ass at present.)