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A keen eye will spot that my pot is a socket top lol, plenty more homemade smoking devices laying around.... Show me yours guys, who's got the most imaginative idea when it comes to homemade smoking?
LMAO I spotted it brother I was posting as you were posting!
Long time a go I had a socket with a piece of radio aerial as the down pipe which I used to use for impromptu DIY bongs.
So long time a go back in the mists of time in the 1980's when unemployment was high and so was I.
I found myself at the local social security office waiting to be seen and two funny things happened to me.
First of there were some guys who fashioned a bong out of a water bottle, a biro pen with the middle removed and some foil, I thought it would be rude if I didn't except a smoke when offered.
they were seen before me so i was left there on my tod twiddling my thumbs waiting to be seen, who ever they and his wife who were being seen to, were taking an absolute age and were arguing with the social security people.
The guys wife was not stopping and I was getting a little frustrated with having to wait so long.
then the guy came over to me and asked if I smoked, with a knowing look, I said I did and he apologized for the wait an handed me a 1/16 of hash.
Suffice to say my wait no longer seemed to matter and when i was interviewed i had a huge grin plastered across my face.

Second DIY story which is bit shorter, was when I was at glastonbury festive with my brother.
There wasn't much we wanted to see as it was early afternoon, so we decide to go to the cinema tent where they were showing an Asterix cartoon film.
We had always loved Asterix as kids and had collected all the books so we thought it would be a nice way to kill an hour or two.
However calamity struck and we had run out of Rizla papers and the film was starting soon and it was a bit of a trek to the nearest stall to buy some papers.
So I got creative with a 1.5 drinks bottle and a 2 liter drinks bottle. The top was taken off the 2 liter bottle and the bottom was taken off the 1.5 liter bottle.
the 2 liter bottle was then filled with water from the nearest water point. I then carved a piece of apple into a removable bowl that fit into the top of of the 1.5 liter bottle and fashioned a gauze out of a jam tart foil case making tiny holes in it with a badge pin.(I always took jam tarts to festival, I will reveal why in my next DIY tale)!
So what i had created was what we in the UK call a bucket bong and our American cousins call a gravity bong.
We meet a whole load of nice people who had never seen such a device but had smoked a joint or two, so we obliged them with some tasty hits gratis and then went and watched Asterix with all our new found friends, who as it happened had plenty of rolling paper and so we all shared some joint too.
What a fantastic memory and a thoroughly great day!

Why do i always take jam tarts to festivals?????I hear you say, avery good question and thanks for asking :crying::jointman:
well it's like this, when your stoned jam tarts are great munchies.:smoking:
However once you have eaten them there are the foil casing left over, with these you can make something called a ground pipe.
A Ground pipe what in flip is one of those........ well it is where you make a small tunnel in the ground with a stick about 6-8 inches.
It has a slow bend in it so it goes intop the ground and then back up again.
Soft ground is what is needed here and in dry weather you need to prepare the ground with a soaking of some water.
Ground with a bit of clay in it is best, sandy soil just won't cut it.
so you have made your tunnel/tube in the dirt/mud/earth and made it nice and smooth and then have blown any crumbs of soil out (you don't want to breath in soil particles and you create a small mound around one of the holes.
Hopefully you are still with me here... so you take on foil casing from your jam tarts and make a hole in the middle, this goes over the mound to keep your lips from coming into contact with the ground.
The other foil casing is pricked with a badge pin to make a gause and is inserted in the other hole.
you now have a ground pipe, we use to giggle that we had the worlds biggest pip because the world was oor pipe.
Doing this at a festival was always a great way to meet new toker buddies, who were often blown away with what we had made.

so there you go 3 DIY smoking stories for ya.
These days I am a vaper and so these fun methods of getting stoned are no longer in my repertoire but the memories live on, happy days!:thumbsup::smokeout:
A keen eye will spot that my pot is a socket top lol, plenty more homemade smoking devices laying around.... Show me yours guys, who's got the most imaginative idea when it comes to homemade smoking?
LMAO I spotted it brother I was posting as you were posting!
Long time a go I had a socket with a piece of radio aerial as the down pipe which I used to use for impromptu DIY bongs.
So long time a go back in the mists of time in the 1980's when unemployment was high and so was I.
I found myself at the local social security office waiting to be seen and two funny things happened to me.
First of there were some guys who fashioned a bong out of a water bottle, a biro pen with the middle removed and some foil, I thought it would be rude if I didn't except a smoke when offered.
they were seen before me so i was left there on my tod twiddling my thumbs waiting to be seen, who ever they and his wife who were being seen to, were taking an absolute age and were arguing with the social security people.
The guys wife was not stopping and I was getting a little frustrated with having to wait so long.
then the guy came over to me and asked if I smoked, with a knowing look, I said I did and he apologized for the wait an handed me a 1/16 of hash.
Suffice to say my wait no longer seemed to matter and when i was interviewed i had a huge grin plastered across my face.

Second DIY story which is bit shorter, was when I was at glastonbury festive with my brother.
There wasn't much we wanted to see as it was early afternoon, so we decide to go to the cinema tent where they were showing an Asterix cartoon film.
We had always loved Asterix as kids and had collected all the books so we thought it would be a nice way to kill an hour or two.
However calamity struck and we had run out of Rizla papers and the film was starting soon and it was a bit of a trek to the nearest stall to buy some papers.
So I got creative with a 1.5 drinks bottle and a 2 liter drinks bottle. The top was taken off the 2 liter bottle and the bottom was taken off the 1.5 liter bottle.
the 2 liter bottle was then filled with water from the nearest water point. I then carved a piece of apple into a removable bowl that fit into the top of of the 1.5 liter bottle and fashioned a gauze out of a jam tart foil case making tiny holes in it with a badge pin.(I always took jam tarts to festival, I will reveal why in my next DIY tale)!
So what i had created was what we in the UK call a bucket bong and our American cousins call a gravity bong.
We meet a whole load of nice people who had never seen such a device but had smoked a joint or two, so we obliged them with some tasty hits gratis and then went and watched Asterix with all our new found friends, who as it happened had plenty of rolling paper and so we all shared some joint too.
What a fantastic memory and a thoroughly great day!

Why do i always take jam tarts to festivals?????I hear you say, avery good question and thanks for asking :crying::jointman:
well it's like this, when your stoned jam tarts are great munchies.:smoking:
However once you have eaten them there are the foil casing left over, with these you can make something called a ground pipe.
A Ground pipe what in flip is one of those........ well it is where you make a small tunnel in the ground with a stick about 6-8 inches.
It has a slow bend in it so it goes into the ground and then back up again.
Soft ground is what is needed here and in dry weather you need to prepare the ground with a soaking of some water.
Ground with a bit of clay in it is best, sandy soil just won't cut it.
so you have made your tunnel/tube in the dirt/mud/earth and made it nice and smooth and then have blown any crumbs of soil out (you don't want to breath in soil particles and you create a small mound around one of the holes.
Hopefully you are still with me here... so you take on foil casing from your jam tarts and make a hole in the middle, this goes over the mound to keep your lips from coming into contact with the ground.
The other foil casing is pricked with a badge pin to make a gause and is inserted in the other hole.
you now have a ground pipe, we use to giggle that we had the worlds biggest pip because the world was oor pipe.
Doing this at a festival was always a great way to meet new toker buddies, who were often blown away with what we had made.

so there you go 3 DIY smoking stories for ya.
These days I am a vaper and so these fun methods of getting stoned are no longer in my repertoire but the memories live on, happy days!:thumbsup::smokeout:
LMAO I spotted it brother I was posting as you were posting!
Long time a go I had a socket with a piece of radio aerial as the down pipe which I used to use for impromptu DIY bongs.
So long time a go back in the mists of time in the 1980's when unemployment was high and so was I.
I found myself at the local social security office waiting to be seen and two funny things happened to me.
First of there were some guys who fashioned a bong out of a water bottle, a biro pen with the middle removed and some foil, I thought it would be rude if I didn't except a smoke when offered.
they were seen before me so i was left there on my tod twiddling my thumbs waiting to be seen, who ever they and his wife who were being seen to, were taking an absolute age and were arguing with the social security people.
The guys wife was not stopping and I was getting a little frustrated with having to wait so long.
then the guy came over to me and asked if I smoked, with a knowing look, I said I did and he apologized for the wait an handed me a 1/16 of hash.
Suffice to say my wait no longer seemed to matter and when i was interviewed i had a huge grin plastered across my face.

Second DIY story which is bit shorter, was when I was at glastonbury festive with my brother.
There wasn't much we wanted to see as it was early afternoon, so we decide to go to the cinema tent where they were showing an Asterix cartoon film.
We had always loved Asterix as kids and had collected all the books so we thought it would be a nice way to kill an hour or two.
However calamity struck and we had run out of Rizla papers and the film was starting soon and it was a bit of a trek to the nearest stall to buy some papers.
So I got creative with a 1.5 drinks bottle and a 2 liter drinks bottle. The top was taken off the 2 liter bottle and the bottom was taken off the 1.5 liter bottle.
the 2 liter bottle was then filled with water from the nearest water point. I then carved a piece of apple into a removable bowl that fit into the top of of the 1.5 liter bottle and fashioned a gauze out of a jam tart foil case making tiny holes in it with a badge pin.(I always took jam tarts to festival, I will reveal why in my next DIY tale)!
So what i had created was what we in the UK call a bucket bong and our American cousins call a gravity bong.
We meet a whole load of nice people who had never seen such a device but had smoked a joint or two, so we obliged them with some tasty hits gratis and then went and watched Asterix with all our new found friends, who as it happened had plenty of rolling paper and so we all shared some joint too.
What a fantastic memory and a thoroughly great day!

Why do i always take jam tarts to festivals?????I hear you say, avery good question and thanks for asking :crying::jointman:
well it's like this, when your stoned jam tarts are great munchies.:smoking:
However once you have eaten them there are the foil casing left over, with these you can make something called a ground pipe.
A Ground pipe what in flip is one of those........ well it is where you make a small tunnel in the ground with a stick about 6-8 inches.
It has a slow bend in it so it goes intop the ground and then back up again.
Soft ground is what is needed here and in dry weather you need to prepare the ground with a soaking of some water.
Ground with a bit of clay in it is best, sandy soil just won't cut it.
so you have made your tunnel/tube in the dirt/mud/earth and made it nice and smooth and then have blown any crumbs of soil out (you don't want to breath in soil particles and you create a small mound around one of the holes.
Hopefully you are still with me here... so you take on foil casing from your jam tarts and make a hole in the middle, this goes over the mound to keep your lips from coming into contact with the ground.
The other foil casing is pricked with a badge pin to make a gause and is inserted in the other hole.
you now have a ground pipe, we use to giggle that we had the worlds biggest pip because the world was oor pipe.
Doing this at a festival was always a great way to meet new toker buddies, who were often blown away with what we had made.

so there you go 3 DIY smoking stories for ya.
These days I am a vaper and so these fun methods of getting stoned are no longer in my repertoire but the memories live on, happy days![emoji106]:smokeout:
30 yrs ago my mate worked for a sign company ,they used to get porcelian connectors that made excellent pipes .......everybody had one haha.....u knew who knew who when they produced one

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Good shout mate, absolute banging tune.. Got me in the mood to do some work in the grow room.... Then I lit up my rocket and took a sip of my tea and now I feel as though I'm slowly sinking further and further into my sofa [emoji23]
LMAO we all been there bud!!!:crying:
Work before smoke, first one of the day may as well be the last one of the day coz nothing is gonna get done!
The only exception to the rule is, if you smoke 24/7 every day as i used, to then it just becomes the norm but get some heavy duty smoke and even then you'll just sit on the couch contemplating your navel for hours.
These days I only vape late evening and get shit done in the day!:headbang:
if shes happy and healthy then it must be genetics though eh? aww whit man, my lack of basic common sense lets me down now and then lol :thanks::woody::woody::woody:
yea give her some time.. She is in full veg and can surprise you...she is no where near bloom.. play her songs!!!!!
Chicks love songs!!!!! female cannabis is no different!!! :kiss:
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