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So I moved 2 1/2 tons of soil and mulch today. From my driveway to the back yard, by hand with 2 5gal buckets and a shovel. The wheel barrow was too big to fit through the gate to the back yard.

It was quite the workout, I'll tell you what! Highly recommended if you are out of shape (like me)
Wow! Very impressive! I've been thinking about getting some top soil for my backyard, and I don't have a wheelbarrow... [emoji52]

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So I moved 2 1/2 tons of soil and mulch today. From my driveway to the back yard, by hand with 2 5gal buckets and a shovel. The wheel barrow was too big to fit through the gate to the back yard.

It was quite the workout, I'll tell you what! Highly recommended if you are out of shape (like me)
That's funny. I live at the top of a steep hill. A very steep hill. The other side actually used to be a ski slope, lift. There is a gym at the bottom of my street. The muscle heads fill wheelbarrows with weights, and push it up and down the hill. Cracks me up, every time I see it.
I have and still will sign anything for the progress of cannabis I suppose I am still butt hurt about the voting down last nov.... it's just mind boggling to hear your peers and fellow like minded individuals voting against legalizing.

After talking with my parents about this issue, I feel like them now. Who'd have thought it would take this long for this plant to be legal to consume? Am I going to die with it still being a crime, feeling like a deviant of society my whole life?
I hear ya...I saw a similar petition that didn't get enough votes, wanted to sign it, but it was closed already. Then I found this one and signed it. *shrugs*

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