Pretty good thanks! How are you?
You know, I've been taking canna caps for pain as needed. But I've had a real problem with pain in my hip, likely caused by an inflamed sciatic nerve. So I finally started a 3x a day regimen and I'll be damned if its not completely gone now! Tok about a week. AAs much as I know the medical benefits of Canna, it still always surprised me when it works this well! Going to stick with this permanently I think!
I set out on a path to make some canna infused veggie glycerin about a month ago (to use a meds). So....I had about 5 pounds of mixed trim to mess with. I also went to the local health food store and picked up 32 ounces of glycerin, and broke out the trusty crock pot. Well....long story short, I thought I f*cked up.

I put about 2 pounds of trim in the crock pot, added all the VG I had, and realized there was not nearly enough liquid to make this work (its quiet a ways back to the store from my house). haste, I added most of a container of coconut oil on top of everything. Still, there was not nearly enough liquid, but I decided to just ride it out.
After 24 hours of simmering and smelling up the house I squeezed all the oil outta the trim, and decided to give it a try. The first few days where kind of a trip! I cycled between massive anxiety and being EXTREMELY high! I didn't even smoke any meds the first few days. Well, after building my tolerance up for this stuff, I've been able to kick the last remaining bit of insomnia meds, and my pain has been very tolerable. I've since found the "therapeutic" dose to be an even teaspoon 3 times a day, with 2 teaspoons an hour and a half before bed. I've been sleeping mostly through the night (first time in 7 years) relatively pain free, and its even keeping the PTSD in check.
I'm sticking with it! My wife has even noticed a difference since I've started taking it (and smoking, as well). You have to love a woman who makes you go consume a bunch of weed every few hours!!!