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Oh my goodness, have only just picked myself up off the floor from laughing. Never did I think when I talked about Ice Cream vans, did I think I would find BRIAN on You Tube. What a star. This guy is either the eternal optimist, a crack/smack dealer or just plain creepy. And as for the dude who filmed him.......I leave that up to you.

There a afew of the vids on You Tube. Honest guv ! I pissed my pants laughing at these. Maybe it's just me. It is dark, strange and so funny......I give you Brian the Ice Cream Man.......

You owe me two :finger:'ing eardrums.
I was still cranked up for Skynard when I played the back channel .:nono:
But it did get rid of the tune from yesterday still in my head this morning, I'll wait a few days before I know whether to thank you or not.:dizzy:
That Sasquatch hairy dude( or chick) must spend a fortune on shampoo.i can't even grow a decent beard,it just makes me look homeless so I stay shaved...scissors for the ear and nose hair
Morning Stoners!
What's the buzz?!?
Ya thanks eP! I used to like "Teddy Bears Picnic"!!
Realy think that the vids were quite funny now. Kind of like the Peter Sellers movie "Being There". There were not many laugh out loud moments but the whole damn thing was funny and absurd.
The weekend is upon us and the G-Babies ar descending as well. So it will be a nice sunny day in the yard with the kids and their kidlets. I am very psyched. Then it's a few hours working on my latest Raspberry Pi project. Love that little widget, have 9 of the damn thing!
Happy Saturday everybody ,I am keeping the schedule so far since all I had to do was wake I see anything interesting at the parade,I'll post a pic..something always gets me when half the crowd is drunk by 10 am..hmmm ,okay it's st patty parade but I know they're not Irish
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