spider mites



hey guys im growing diesel ryder they are 23 days old when i went to water them one of the plants had webbing on the lower part of the plant iv never had a prob with spider mites so could use sum good advice

also i thou spider mites were tiny the spider i seen was big could this just be a spider that has got into my tent . cheers guys
Could be a house spider.

Spider mites, are small little fuckers. The ones i've got were red color. They will spin webs all over your plants.

I used predator mites to handle them. Neem oil has worked for me as well, but it stinks is messy and you don't want to use it late in flower.

The best way to not introduce mites. Is don't touch your plants.. I rarely touch mine with my hands unless i've washed them prior. Even breaking up a joint and rolling it, you can have mite eggs on your fingers from other buddy's grow. Then you go inspect the girls, grabbing leaves, stems, what ever.. That's an easy in for them.

Cleaning your space after every grow with some bleach is also a good preventative measure.
thanx bailer iv heard sum people say use rubbin alcohol but water it dwn i think it might just be a common spider as it was much bigger and its webb was from the stem to the edge of the pot thanx for the tips